April 2012

Samluce.com turns 5.

Can not believe my blog is ready for kindergarten. I remember when he was just learning to walk. In the busyness of life I forget to properly celebrate. Last week was the 5th anniversary of samluce.com what a blessing it has been to my life. I love the fact that in the past 5 years

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Are you Insecure?

Read this in a book I am reading called “The Importance of Being Foolish” by Brennan Manning. Such a powerful reminder of our need for constant dependance. Insecurity not only paralyzes our relationship with the living God but has a devastating effect on interpersonal relationships. It is the starting point of all social estrangement. It breaks down openness, which is

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Leadership matters.

If you haven’t heard by now there is a blog tour going on for our new book “The Eric Trap” which comes out at the end of the month. Here is what people are saying about it so far. Jim Wideman Ready for a blog road trip Day 2  Kenny Conley Intro to the blog

Leadership matters. Read More »

Who is Eric Newman?

The Eric Trap blog tour kicked off. There will be many posts, book reviews and give aways in the weeks to come. In fact you will not be able to buy a copy of the book until the end of the month but you will possibly win a copy of The Eric Trap. Over the

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Why leaders build silos

We all do it. We build silo’s because we like the comfort, recognition, and ego boost our department or  team you lead provides. We keep people loyal to us through our unintentional comments that make other leaders and other departments less desirable. When we don’t understand the value of the team and the goal we

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