Leadership matters.

If you haven’t heard by now there is a blog tour going on for our new book “The Eric Trap” which comes out at the end of the month.

Here is what people are saying about it so far.

Jim Wideman
Ready for a blog road trip
Day 2 

Kenny Conley
Intro to the blog tour
The Eric Trap Blog Tour Begins
The real Eric Newman
The Eric Trap Blog Tour: Day 2

Jenny Funderburke
The Eric Trap is coming. 

Jonathan Cliff
The Eric Trap is a Trap 

Jenn Day
The Eric Trap: 5 Things every leader needs to get right. 

Rob Livingston
Are you Eric Newman? 

There was a comment on Jenny Funderburke’s blog that caught my eye

“I’m pumped about this book because I believe that children’s ministry has too often taken a back seat when it comes to leadership. It’s good to see children’s ministers taking the step to write about leadership.” Mark Williams

One of the things I like so much about The Eric Trap is the fact it’s a leadership book written by kids pastors that speaks to every staff position in the church. I believe that The Eric Trap will not be the last leadership book written by a kids pastor for the larger church context. There are many things I have learned in the trenches of Kids ministry that I see as lacking or non existant in Adult ministry. One of the things that I have learned from The Eric Trap is that kids pastors need to stop focusing all their leadership lessons and knowledge on just the kidmin community.

Why don’t more kids pastors speak up? The main reason that more kids pastors don’t speak up is they are so intrenched in the week to week of ministry they don’t have the time or the energy to speak up. The other reason I think kids pastor’s don’t speak up more on the topic of leadership is because we lead apolitically far to much. There are leadership development principles that the church needs to learn that many kids pastors take for granted.

So kids pastor, youth pastor, worship pastor let God dig deep in you so you can be a resource for the growth of the Kingdom and the establishment of the Gospel. Leadership matters. So don’t be like Eric lead boldly because of who Christ is and what He has done not because of who you are or what you have done.



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