
My name is Sam Luce and I have been a pastor at Redeemer Church in Utica NY for the past 24 years. 18 of those years serving as children’s pastor. Currently, I am serving as the Global Pastor to Families. This is my personal blog it is focused on Discipleship, Family Ministry, and Theology.

I write about things I am passionate about, the power of the gospel, becoming a better leader, ministering to kids, technology, humorous anything, and being the best dad and husband I can be.

Through each blog post, it is my goal to be to each of you what I wish I had when I was starting out in ministry. I desire to help you grow as a leader and avoid some of the bone-headed mistakes I learned am still learning along the way.

You can expect around 1 to 2 blog posts a week. If you would like to subscribe to my RSS feed or via email I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time feel free to jump in and leave a comment on any of my posts. I would love to hear from you.

Here are a few of my more  popular posts

1. Why our Kids Ministries Should be More Like Mr. Rogers and Less Like Disney. 
2. 4 ways to clarify the gospel when communicating to kids
3.  Self-esteem is ruining your kids
4. How to communicate so kids can understand
5. What the gospel demands of parents
6. How We Stop Short in the Debate on Christians and Alcohol
7. Helping your kids love the Bible: Stay one Bible ahead
8. What is Bible Bucks 2.0?
9. Two new ideas I am trying to connect with parents
10. Top 25 iPhone Apps for kids

My Biography

I attended Portland Bible College in Portland Oregon where I graduated in 1997 with a BA in Theology, upon graduation I became the children’s pastor at the same church for over 24 years. I have done children’s ministry for the last 24 years. In 2021 I graduated from Knox Seminary with a M.A.CCS (Masters in Christian and Classical Studies) and M.A.BTS (Masters in Biblical and Theological Studides) 

I have served as chairman of  INCM, co-authored “The Eric Trap”,  have been involved in several book projects, and been blogging here since 2007. I have spoken at conferences and have done some consulting and coaching. My real passion lies in preaching the gospel, building and strengthening the local church in any way possible because I believe it is through the preaching of the word and the proximity of relationship that life change takes place.

I have been married to my beautiful wife for 23 years together we have 4 beautiful children ages 17, 14, 12 and 8 years. We currently live in Upstate New York.

When not writing on this blog or  working at the church, I enjoy reading, racquetball, writing, photography, watching movies with the family.

Contact Info

You can reach me by email [email protected] or on twitter, facebook.

10 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey Sam:
    I trust you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. My name is Jack Bailey and I am the Children's Pastor at Colonial Hills Church in Southaven, MS. I just read your article "Redefining Maturity, in K magazine, and wanted to say thank you for your words. My heart resonated with the section Leverage Collaberative Connections. That is where my heart is in wanting to help young leaders as well as churches to connect and work together. The words writing where a great encouragement to me and I just thought I would stop by and say thank you.
    May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry as you seek Him

    1. Jack
      Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to post on my blog. I am glad you liked my article. I am also very glad you have found K! magazine, it has been such a blessing in my life. Ryan and his team do an amazing job. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future!


  2. We’re at planning stage to begin in October of this year a ministry to new immigrants to our country in Hudson County, NJ. The first two days will be ESL, and the third day will be a bible study. I need suggestions of bible studies. Please email [email protected]

  3. Hello Sam your ding awesome work and am so glad because of you please keep going on in what you do am samuel pastor of grace christian fellowship uganda mityana i really feel to thank God because of you bless you Sam.

  4. Hey Sam! I've been following your blog since Orange Week. Congrats on your big move and new website- looks great. I work with the reThink group and the Orange Leaders blog. We're looking for some amazing bloggers to write a guest post with their thoughts on Milestones and how we transition children/teens/and their parents through different ages and stages. The length is about 250 words with pictures or videos optional. Does writing about this topic excite you or have you written something similar in the past? Looking forward to hearing back from you. This is Reggie's focus on the Webcast this week that's highlighted on the makingoforange site. Last week we talked mostly about key teenage and middle school students– this week it will be children and preschoolers. Thanks for considering adding your thoughts to the conversations– Cara

  5. Pingback: iPad Apps For Kids | One Dad's Story.

  6. I was surfing the web. Which means I was working on children's ministry. I stumbled on your site and blog. You got a great thing going. Keep it up. I was inspired by your genuiness, humor and great sense of family. I'll try to keep in touch more often. In other words, when I'm studying children's ministry I stop by site. Be blessed.

  7. Pingback: Shameless Plugs | Coffee with Dad

  8. Pingback: Resilient Disciples

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