February 2017

7 answers you need to hear from award winning author Sally Lloyd-Jones

[guestpost]This is a repost of an interview I did with best-selling author Sally Lloyd-Jones. She is celebrating the 10 year anniversary of her best-selling Bible for kids ‘The Jesus Storybook Bible’ She has released a beautiful new anniversary edition to celebrate you can find out more about it here. [/guestpost] Sally Lloyd-Jones has written an

7 answers you need to hear from award winning author Sally Lloyd-Jones Read More »

Bitter Sweet

Ah my dear angry Lord, Since thou dost love, yet strike; Cast down, yet help afford; Sure I will do the like. I will complain, yet praise; I will bewail, approve: And all my sour-sweet days I will lament, and love. God sometimes does the opposite of what we desire. In response, we must more

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Pastor as Shepherd

There is no more fundamental description of what the role of a pastor should be than the role of a shepherd. There was a season of life where I was only reading leadership books. They have great advice and fantastic insight they can help you be a better leader which we should all strive to be.

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