Register and Win!

I am really excited about going to CPC this year for the first time. I hope to see many of you there. If you register for the Orlando or San Diego CPC in the month of October you can win one of 100 different prizes.

Here is what you can win.

One of:
10 Family Survival Kits from Go Fish
10 Bible Resource Bundles from Gospel Light
10 Kindle Fires
10 CPC Lodging Packages
10 Rainbow Bibles from Standard Publishing
10 iPod Shuffles
10 CPC Airfare
10 iPod Touches
10 $100 CPC Store Gift Card
10 Action Bibles from David C Cook.

What are you waiting for. Register now and be the first to let me know and I’ll buy you coffee or lunch when we are there even if you don’t win. I can’t wait for CPC this year and you shouldn’t wait to register because you could win some sweet stuff.

How do you register? Click on the button below.







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