Prezi: Building great teams

Prezi presentation of my talk I did at Group’s Kidmin Conference on raising great teams. There is a huge difference between recruiting volunteers and building a team.

8 thoughts on “Prezi: Building great teams”

  1. Nice job Sam. There are some good thoughts in this that got me thinking. Team building is a constant and sometimes in the daily grind I lose sight of the team and focus on the individuals too much. This will help as I get ready to reshape and sharpen the team.
    I’m also gonna check out Prezi–pretty sweet.

    Thanks, PJ

  2. Pretty cool Sam. I've used Prezi a bit before on an experimental basis. Did you download the software or use the web version to present? I might jump over to this for CPC '12.

  3. Sam, I was wanting to take your workshop at KidMin on building a strong team, but wasn’t able to with the deeper learning track! This is so very helpful! Thank you for helping to equip leaders to build a strong team!

    1. Andrea,

      Thanks for the comment and reading my blog. Glad you found something useful not everyone does. lol I had a blast at Group's conference. Let me know if you are going to any others or which one you are going to next year would love to get a coffee and learn from you.

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