Our idea for a Collaborative Kidmin Curriculum.

Yesterday I talked about what some of the problems I see when it comes curriculum. I never want my blog to be about negativity and because of that I have never really blogged about my frustrations with curriculum in general. About 6 months ago I had this idea. What if a group of kidmin leaders came together and collaborated to make a product that could be available to the kidmin community. We talked it over and thought that Easter would be the perfect time to try our little experiment.

I don’t think that we are trying to replace the curriculum out there but more trying to fill in the holes we see. There are a lot of great ones out there, I have used 252basics, Group, Elevate, Hillsong Big, Church on the move, Lifechurch.tv, and Gospel House, all of which have their own set of strengths and weakness.

Here is what we wanted to accomplish with what we did –

1. Everyone take a small part so we could each do a small part but we could all benefit from the whole.
2. Purposefully elevate Christ and present the message of the gospel in a clear, fun, compelling way.
3. Make it free so the kidmin community could use it if they would want to.

It worked out better than we expected. Will everyone like probably not. Will some people like it, I think so. Tomorrow I’ll link to everyones blog who work on this. It truly was a team effort. I don’t know what I enjoyed more the end product or the process.



14 thoughts on “Our idea for a Collaborative Kidmin Curriculum.”

  1. I'm glad we are doing this! I think we have a lot of talent in our church and there are a couple things I'd like to see us do differently. I'm excited to see what comes out of this effort!

  2. I’m glad we are doing this! I think we have a lot of talent in our church and there are a couple things I’d like to see us do differently. I’m excited to see what comes out of this effort!

  3. Oh man. I can't wait. I've put off planning Easter specifics as long as I can because I too am just a little frustrated this year. I sat down today to review everything out there, and nothing jumped out as perfect. I will be very interested to see what you've put together.

  4. Oh man. I can't wait. I've put off planning Easter specifics as long as I can because I too am just a little frustrated this year. I sat down today to review everything out there, and nothing jumped out as perfect. I will be very interested to see what you've put together.

  5. Pingback: Free Curriculum for Easter: God to the Rescue | samluce.com

  6. Pingback: Kidmin | Easter is Coming… | Danscottblog

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