TakeTen: Talking to your Kids about sex

I have the privilage of talking with Chris Spradlin from Epicparent.tv for my latest episode of TakeTen. Chris is a great guy he has a lot to add to the family ministry conversation. I first heard of his site from our Albany Campus Kids pastor. Later Kenny did an amazing and though set of blogposts about talking to your kids about sex. After reading Kenny’s posts I landed on Chris’ blog. I loved Chris’ candor and fresh perspective with which he tackles difficult situations in parenting. His stuff on sex I found particularly helpful make sure you head over and read his posts.

I don’t have much to add. I think Kenny and Chris did a great job at least getting the conversation going. If you are a parent or kids pastor  I hope you enjoy this new episode of TakeTen, then head over to Epicparent.tv.


4 thoughts on “TakeTen: Talking to your Kids about sex”

    1. Chris the pleasure was all mine. I look forward to connecting with you more in the future. Keep fighting for the family it's worth it!

    1. Chris the pleasure was all mine. I look forward to connecting with you more in the future. Keep fighting for the family it's worth it!

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