You are what you measure

I came across this great article from Harvard Business Review. It was short thought provoking and to the point.

“If we want to change what they care about, we should change what we measure.”

“What you measure is what you will get. Period”

I think this is a great question for children’s ministry. If we get what we measure we had better be careful what we measure. Instead of how many people came how about measuring the experience of those who came. Instead of measuring how many small groups we have how about measuring the number of leaders being reproduced. Instead of measuring how we felt the service went why don’t we actually video tape it and review it later as a team.

You are what you measure so pick what you measure wisely.

3 thoughts on “You are what you measure”

  1. Great thoughts. I'm hung up on "what you measure is what they get." I want them (the children in our ministries) to get two things. I want them first, and foremost, to get the gospel. Secondly, I want them to get a biblical worldview. I'm stuck now thinking about how to "measure" that. Thanks for the thought provoking article.

  2. Great thoughts. I'm hung up on "what you measure is what they get." I want them (the children in our ministries) to get two things. I want them first, and foremost, to get the gospel. Secondly, I want them to get a biblical worldview. I'm stuck now thinking about how to "measure" that. Thanks for the thought provoking article.

  3. Pingback: We are What We Measure: Constructing and Managing Institutions, Law and Law Schools « M. Ulric Killion's space

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