100 Recruiting tips in 100 Characters or less.

A new kidminchallange!

A couple of months ago Funny Man Dan lead team (Rest of the World) I lead team (USA). We did a challange where you take an awkward bible verse and then give it a context where it would be even more awkward. I was loads of fun. It was great to see everyone get involved.

We would like to do another challange. This one will be a bit more useful but still lots of fun. So here goes.

1. We are looking for your best volunteer recruitment tips in 100 characters or less.
2. There will be prizes – Confirmed Prizes –  I will be giving away a Jesus Storybook Bible Deluxe edition and @r_frank will be giving away a couple of shout-out DVD’s and Not Confirmed – Perhaps FMD can twist Daves arm and we can get a cd or something from Hillsong.
3. The prizes will be given for the following: A) Most Humorous B) Most Creative C) Most Practical
4. The winners will be picked by FMD, myself and some of the K! Mag editors
5. The contest will last two weeks.
6. Lastly there is a very good chance your submission will end up in the May/June Edition of K! so tweet and FB away.

How to submit your idea via Twitter – send them to @kidminchallenge include the hash tag #kmag and #kidmin “@kidminchallenge: Write personalized thank-you notes. #kmag #kidmin ”

How to submit your idea via FB? – go to this link Kidzmatter Fan Page become a fan an submit your idea on the wall like this “@kidminchallenge: Write personalized thank-you notes.”

Should be fun.

2 thoughts on “100 Recruiting tips in 100 Characters or less.”

  1. Pingback: The Thursday Blog » Blog Archive » Detox, Weight-loss and Wii Fit

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