A Free tool for Parents and Kids Pastors.

Something I am really excited that our church is doing this Christmas is taking part in something called the Happy Birthday Jesus Project. I am very excited to have a world class tool available to my family as well as the kids in our kids church the best part  is it is totally free.

As a kids pastor I find this tool extremely helpful. If you have been a kids pastor or parent for any length of time you share my frustration with two things.

  • Take home papers, rarely are take and if  they are taken they don’t make it home
  • Coming up with ways to engage parents in the process and become true partners in ministry together.

A good friend of mine told me about Ranjy and the work he was doing at flying Rhino and I was intrigued. I check out his website with my kids and they LOVED it. I had never seen anything like it. I could totally see how this could be used in the local church context to hammer home the truth of God’s word in tiny hearts and minds as well as a discipleship tool that helps the parents learn something as well in a non-threatening fun environment.  I think it has unlimited potential for me as a Pastor and a parent.

What Ranjy and his team are doing with the happy birthday Jesus project is only the beginning. I have had many conversations with Ranjy and always leave the conversation impressed by his creativity, innovation, humility and passion for family ministry and the local church. Make sure you check out what he is doing www.HappyBirthdayJesusProject.org

Here is a little of what Ranjy has to say about The Happy Birthday Jesus Project.

We can put a man on the moon, a computer on every desk, even a Snuggie for every couch but with all the advances in Internet technology we still haven’t found a demonstrable way to advance the cause of Christ in children’s ministry.

To accomplish this, we partnered with the people of DaySpring. We were already producing Really Woolly Kids together an awesome new kid’s property. We assembled a world class team of children’s pastors, animators, illustrators, music composers, interactive game developers and curriculum writers and put them in a room with engaging teachers. We asked them to develop a way to celebrate the birth of Jesus by creating an innovative experience that would help kids get excited about the “why” behind Christmas.

Well, what I thought would be a very expensive process that would take months and thousands of dollars to accomplish, of course,  turned into years and millions of dollars. The goal was to create a tool that could help the local church to live out its mission of lifting up Jesus as the hope of the world by saying Happy Birthday, Jesus!

The www.HappyBirthdayJesusProject.org will explain how churches are using this amazing FREE interactive experience that allows families to interact with a LIVE children’s ministry teacher, animated characters, fun games and activities and so much more—all from home, all while having kids at the center of the adventure. It’s the biggest birthday party in the world!

I know it sounds unbelievable but we really do have trained ministry leaders standing by live, to connect with families on their schedule right from their home computer. You must see this to believe it!  You will be greeted by name by a live Christian education teacher that will take your family on an animated, interactive adventure

Ranjy Thomas is the President of Flying Rhinoceros the producers of:

  • Gigi, God’s Little Princess with Sheila Walsh
  • On The Farm with Farmer Bob staring Amy Grant, Vince Gill and Randy Travis
  • Precious Girls Club with Precious Moments
  • Really Woolly with DaySpring.

Flying Rhinoceros has developed kids’ content that is experienced by millions of people for some of the largest ministries and Christian organizations in the United States.

2 thoughts on “A Free tool for Parents and Kids Pastors.”

  1. Pingback: Creative Way for Families to Celebrate Christmas Together! | Free CM Stuff

  2. Pingback: This Week in Children’s Ministry for 11/4/2009

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