Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-18

  • Spending some time with my family and watching the yanks play the pesky Angels. Go Yankees. Red sox suck! #fb #
  • RT @jonathancliff: have u visited the new ? //has world's largest twitter button. #kidmin // ha! #
  • Doing a puppet right now that's right @Jonathancliff a puppet. #kidmin #
  • For the record. I do "a" puppet review segment every so often. The puppet talks to humans not other puppets. He has a trimph feel. #kidmin #
  • I am very happy the Yanks are NOT playing the Angels for a while. #fb #
  • 12 rounds = waste of time. I now know what the writers of last seasons 24 do in the off season. [make crappy movies] #fb #
  • Bar-b-que with @mikeservello trying to employ all the principles handed to me by master @chicowoo #fb #
  • Any guesses what the big announcement will be on #cmconnect tomorrow? #kidmin #
  • RT @kidinspiration: lookin forward 2 big news abt #kidmin hoping for the location of the ark or the exact date of the rapture.// Ha! #
  •! /// #kidmin is unionized. Ha! I am joining are you? #
  • Fellowshipone question: "Can I import data from an excel doc." #fellowshipone fellowship one #
  • Heading home listening to @andystanley leadership podcast. Amazing! #
  • Don't die on the hill of your plans. Die on the hill of your vision. @andystanley #kidmin #
  • Watching the All-star game! Go AL! #
  • Politicians and Baseball don't mix. Every first pitch I have seen a politician throw has been a scumball or a screw ball. #
  • Obama's pitch was like is politics high and outside the left side of the plate. #
  • 1 nothing AL woot! #
  • RT @yancynotnancy: Today is my birthday & you get the present. 50% off all orders at thru Sunday. #cmconnect #kidmin #
  • Drove 1 1/2 to a chipotle and the power is off from bad weather and they are not cooking! Aaaaaarrrrrg #
  • All you #kidmin peeps If you haven't heard Napkin Conference is tweeting @napkinideas Stay current with all things napkin #followfriday #

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