Announcing Bible Bucks 2.0!

Sometimes innovation happens by accident sometimes it happens on purpose –

I have always been on the fence when it came to rewards in kids church. I have used everything, stamp books, fake money with Jesus on it, even manually putting point amounts on name badges.

I needed to come up with a new system and I accidentally innovated. I found a company called Stickystreet. Stickystreet was a new way to do our churches reward system. As of July 1st StickyStreet changed their business model and I have obtained the rights to help churches set up accounts, enter Bible Bucks 2.0. My goal is to help you innovate on purpose. Having used Bible Bucks 2.0 for while I will be able to help avoid mistakes I made and help you customize Bible Bucks 2.0 to be used in a way that fits your church best. Announcing

What Is Bible Bucks 2.0 – It is a values based reward system.

Where I innovated on accident (i do that a lot) you can innovate on purpose. One of the things I love most about Bible Bucks 2.0 is it gives you the freedom to reward your kids based on the values you are trying to build not based upon whatever the volunteer with the stack of kids’ kash deems kash worthy behavior.

Bible Bucks 2.0 has allowed us to build value around, church attendance, bringing others with you to church, bible reading,  and parental involvement.

What is great about Bible Bucks 2.0 is you control what points are given and why.

What is great it gives you control without the responsibility.

You get all the control as to why and how points are given without having to have the responsibility of running the system.

It is web based so all you have to do is set the parameters and all you campus’ will be on the same page.
It is so easy to use, our Jr. Highers love doing it and training someone new literally takes 2 minutes.

You set the controls and can run reports to see who is getting points and who is using points and who hasn’t done either.

Check out Bible Bucks 2.0 for yourself.

2 thoughts on “Announcing Bible Bucks 2.0!”

  1. I love it and it really is easy to use I taught someone Saturday night how to do it in a matter of seconds. If you don’t have this seriously consider getting it.

  2. Hey Sam~
    I love this and it really is the answer to a huge dilemma that we’ve been having. I have some questions about Bible Bucks though. Would you have time to talk on Wednesday? I’m traveling to TN for the Infuse retreat and would have some time to talk. Hope everything is going well for you, still love reading your tweets and your blog! Blessings~

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