Can-Am Relations.
I found this video on youtube I loved how it played up the on how Canadians perceive Americans and how Americans perceive Canadians. Enjoy!
I found this video on youtube I loved how it played up the on how Canadians perceive Americans and how Americans perceive Canadians. Enjoy!
Off to the “Great White North” for some R&R. So for the next couple of week I will be checking in but not daily. If you know anyone in Canada let me know. I am sure I will be seeing them…….(If you didn’t get that last joke, either you are not Canadian or you have
Off to vacation….. Read More »
Camp was great we had an excellent time. I am working on a video that I will post at a later date. The theme was Love God, Love People Serve others. I am amazed by the powerful truths that were taught this week. If I had only learned these when I was in the 5th
We are off to our 10th annual camp for our 5th to 7th graders. Our theme this year is “Love God, Love People, Serve Others.” I am very excited. Please pray for us. I will not be blogging do to the lack of internet access in the woods of New York. I will let you
Just came across a little web 2.0 application based on Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret. I wrote about it in a previous post. To read about the application click here.
How to do something, From a show about nothing. [update] Read More »
He is a very cool link I found on Jason Boucher’s blog Check out his blog, lots of cool posts including how to simpsonize yourself. The Simpson’s version of me.
I am in full get ready for camp mode we are going back to beaver camp this year I am very excited. This is our 10th camp for 5th -7th graders. I am very excited, I have tons of week before stuff to do so my blog will be light and semi festive.
A few light topics on the blog this week. Read More »
Seven people in the front seat of a pickup truck doesn’t work. Charlene, age 16 What is driving your ministry? How to keep you ministry from being driven in 7 different directions. Be Specific – If your specific they’ll be terrific (Borrowed from Ed Young.) – Talk to your leaders often and be specific
Seven people in the front seat of a pickup truck doesn't work. Read More »
You should never order seafood at a hamburger joint in Nebraska. Chad, age 11 Stick to what you are good at. If this isn’t the best advice I don’t know what is. I lived in the Midwest for the first 11 years of my life. I know from experience that seafood is not
You should never order seafood at a hamburger joint in Nebraska. Read More »