7 apps every leader should have

1. Evernote – Amazing tool to organize and find information fast. Michael Hyatt loves it and has many blog posts about it check them out.

2. Producteev – Amazing to-do app I use every day. Love the collaborative aspects. Syncs to a cloud. Love it! Read more here.


3. GroupMe – Great tool for your team to mass text each other casually and can even do a massive group phone call. It is horrible for groups as big as 20 its sweet spot is 5-7 IMHO. I blogged about it here.

4. Read it later – Love read it later especially when I am traveling. I can send news articles and blog posts to it for offline reading.

5. Dropbox – Great file sharing tool for your whole team. The 2GB size account is always free sign up now!

6. ProRemote – If you use ProPresentor, and you should best worship presentation software on the internet by far, you need to get the remote app. It has been a lifesaver more times than I can count. Love ProPresentor.

7. YouVersion – Love YouVersion it’s my bible of choice. Such a great app it’s been around forever and keeps getting better.

2 thoughts on “7 apps every leader should have”

  1. This is a cool list! Thanks, Sam. I'm curious about what you've discovered are good ways to use produceev. Did you try Nozbe?

    1. I use it as a todo list tracker for me. I like that it sync's between my computer, iphone, ipad and web. I also use it to track personal projects and to send todo's to my assistant. I have found it to be one of the more flexible web based to-do programs I've used. The UI isn't as nice as things but the flexibility more than makes up for it. I have not tried Nozbe but it sounds familiar I may have looked into it when I was looking for something new a few months ago.

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