Great Kidmin tool: Group Me

Group me seems like it’s almost made for kidmin. It’s an amazing tool that is web based but has a fully functioning iPhone and Adroid app. Basicly you create a group of users who all have cell phones a unique number is assigned to that group and every time you text that number it is broadcast out to the group. What makes it better than a mass text sender is because you are sending the text to a unique number every member of the group who texts that number sends a message to everyone and creates an ongoing text conversation.

“A huge part of GroupMe’s success depends on the fact that it doesn’t require an app at all, or even a phone capable of running apps. All you need is a phone capable of sending text messages.

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You also have the ability to do a conference call by one person initiation the call it rings everyone else in the group. It’s a very slick system that has worked well for me everytime I have used it.

Possible kidmin uses?

Reminder texts – send reminder texts to teams serving on a certain sunday

Parent update texts – Send a text with info parents need to get. With the conversation style updates many parents may have their questions answered by questions others ask.

Camp updates – Great for keeping parents in the loop when you are away at camp

Keep event chaperons on the same page – You are at an amusement park and you want all your aldult workers to know you have changed the location of a meet up or a kid goes missing.

Project management – You are working on a project sometimes having group texting or conference calling would be a huge help.

Boss alarm system – keep your co-workers in the loop when your boss leaves or returns from lunch, or update everyone on his or her mood.

The uses for this little tool are endless with the text feature, conference call feature and being free you can’t go wrong. Set up your account today.

3 thoughts on “Great Kidmin tool: Group Me”

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