Hands down best productivity software program on the internet

I am a big mac fan. I have used Things because it was the best productivity software program I’ve found for my Mac to date.

Here is why I no longer use Things:

1. Doesn’t sync to a cloud. You have to manually sync via wifi. Frustrating
2. Price 50bucks for the desktop app. 14 bucks for the iphone app and 20 bucks for ipad app
3. There is no collaboration feature. You can’t send or receive to do’s from other members of your team.
4. No way to use things on a PC

So you are asking what do I use now? Producteev.com  Why do I like producteev more than things?

1. It’s a web-based so it works on a mac or a pc
2. It syncs to a cloud no matter where you add the task it updates everywhere (They offer desktop app, iphone app and are working on a iPad app)
3. It allows you to assign task to other team members.
4. It’s free
5. It integrates with gmail and ical
6. You can add tasks via email or Instant message.

I have used Producteev for over three weeks now. I love it. You need to try it.





9 thoughts on “Hands down best productivity software program on the internet”

  1. I've been seriously looking for something like this for a while. Sounds like you found a winner. I'll check it out.
    Are you using it just as an individual or are you planning on using it for your team?

  2. I'm new to the whole "cloud" thing, but we just ordered a Kindle fire and apparently that runs on clouds. Or something. I'll have to take a look at this app — sounds good! However, most of my team is not that into technology, so don't know if it will help there, but I would love to have something sync to gmail and send me reminders!

    Lindsey @ Growing Kids Ministry

  3. Hey Sam. Thanks for your comment on my productivity post (http://www.centrikidblog.com/blog/productivity-tools-i-use.html) on the CentriKid Camps Blog. I certainly understand the issues you have with Things. I share many of those. I wanted to make sure you were aware that Things has a Cloud Sync solution coming and it is in a beta version right now. I'm so much of a 'Things' fan, I want to wait this one out, because I trust their solution will be great! And for your reason #2, it's hard for me to walk away from the investment I've already made! 🙂

  4. Heading into my second month using Producteev. I love that I can use it on both a Mac and a PC…while there are some things I would love to tweak I believe it's the best out there…

    I just hope it'll sync with iOS5 tasks 🙂

  5. Ok Sam, I'm trying to use Producteev and I'm not getting it. Maybe you should do a follow up with some more details of how you are using it, for dummies like me.

      1. Thanks. I think I understand it more now. The multiple workspaces is what was throwing me, I think. I do wish there was a bette android app, but maybe in time.

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