Youth Pastor: Pick Reverence Over Cool

“Cool is not your compass.”

“What do we do when trendy conflicts with the truth?”

Such important truth by Trip Lee. In the United States, we are famously anti-monarchy yet we substitute celebrity for royalty. With the advent of social media, we are no longer six degrees from Kevin Bacon we can now watch Kevin buy bacon at his local grocery store on Facebook Live. We know more than we used to know we know what our celebrities are watching, wearing and, shopping. We can even become famous so much easier than ever before. This leads us to know more about celebrity culture and creates an appetite for things that are not good and can even be sinful. Is wanting a nice pair of shoes wrong? No, but paying 1,200.00 for them is sinful. God gives us good gifts to enjoy but the inordinate desire for things other than Christ is what the Old Testament address over and over. We see it in the NT as well. Tim Keller defines idolatry as when we make good things ultimate things. The temptation in leading teenagers is to cash in on their passion for celebrity at the expense of truth and call it relevance. What we don’t see in our pursuit of relevance is cool always has a price. This short video from Trip Lee who is hands down more cool than any of us ever will be he is pushing us to pick reverence over cool.

“I like cool but I would rather build my life on conviction.”

Youth pastor don’t feed the culture of cool in your youth ministry teach your kids the scriptures. Teach your kids to build their lives on conviction not cool.


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