When God Whispers

I am happy to report that earilier this week I had a PET Scan done and my doctor said my scan was clear and I am offically in remission. I am so very thankful for those who prayed and supported us. In the fall when all this came about. People would tell me that it was going to be very hard and that I would need lots of help. I remember just staring back at them not knowing what to say. They were right. My family, Sam’s family and my church family stepped in to help us in so many ways. When I look back I have tears of gratitude and in mhy heart I feel full of true joy. Difficult seasons cancel out all the noise in our life to allow you to focus on what matters most.

I can’t imagine going through this without our families and our church families support. When you face something so profound I know that the reality is,when it’s over you feel a sense of relief. Often relief can be followed by grief and that pain sometimes can delay grief as you are gutting it out each day. In the next season as we rejoice together I pray that you hold me and my family up in prayer that the enemy could not use this next season as an occasion to bring fear, anger or sadness to rob our hearts of the true joy Christ can only bring.

Lastly I want to challenge you to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your life. When you have a thought or feeling that you should pray for someone, stop by and see them, or show them some act of kindness. Don’t ignore it. Often times it’s like a whisper. C.S. Lewis famously said that God whispers to us in our pleasures and shouts to us in our pain. My prayer for you and for myself is that we become more aware of God’s whispers so we can comfort those who are in pain.


6 thoughts on “When God Whispers”

  1. Yay Sandra! What a mighty God we serve! I’m so thankful for you and your wisdom during this season if your life. Thank you for being an example and inspiration to so many of us! I love you!

  2. You know I love you guys – SO incredibly happy for you with these results. I am continuing to pray for the recovery and the back-to-normal that comes next. One day at a time. ❤️

  3. Sandra and Sam we rejoice with you!!! We will continue to pray with and for you in this season of gaining strength and feeling a bit of “normal” again. Love you Loads

  4. Praise God!! I love what you said about how difficult seasons cancel out all the noise in our life to allow you to focus on what matters most. I sometimes say when it’s quiet and that the noise is gone it is so peaceful. All the “noise” which at most times we think is so important, we need to focus on the voice of God and hear his “noise”. I thank God you and your family and this joyous news! I will continue to hold you in prayer. Thanks for the update!

  5. Rejoicing with you! I prayed often for you, and I’m so glad to hear this news. I have just begun the journey you have finished. I’m so thankful that we serve a God that is with us in our darkest moments. Thanks for the update and I welcome any advice you might have!

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