Why is this happening…

Why is this happening to me? Why me? Everyone of us at some point has asked “why”? When I think of someone crying why I for some reason always picture Nancy Kerrigan grabbing her knee after it was hit by a thug with a club as she was leaving an ice skating rink in 1994. The camera crew covering the event showed Kerrigan grabbed her knee and saying over and over again “Why,Why, Why…?” You don’t have to be a Christian to know this world is not as it should be. There is something inside of us that sees the the injustice, pain and inequality of this world and knows that we were made for so much more. We instinctively know that this world is broken and falling apart. As Christians we are not immune from the effects of this pain and the brokenness of this world. What we do have is living hope. We have a light that shines in the darkness of our darkest days. We have a hope that whispers to us in the beauty of a perfect day and screams at us in the darkness of our worst “Behold I make all things new.”

As Christians, we are not free from pain but we are able to fight for joy in the midst of our pain because we serve a God who is one day coming back to make all the sad things of this world untrue. If you are struggling, sad or depressed, sick or alone turn your eyes to Jesus. Love this quote by Ajith Fernando.

I have heard the statement that we must glance at our problems and gaze at Jesus. I must say that usually I end up giving more than a glance when facing a big problem. The laments in the Bible suggest that even God’s great saints had to grapple for some time over the pain they were facing. However, once the lament is complete and the light of God’s comfort clears our vision, we can gaze at Jesus. And that gaze refreshes us and takes away our bitterness, replacing it with the joy of knowing that God loves us so much.

As Christians we have something so much better than Karma, so much better than moral platitudes we have a living hope.

This week Sandra had her fourth treatment. Her blood counts were even higher than last week thanks so much for your continued prayers. We have two treatments left and want all of you to join us in praying that Sandra’s PET scan will be clear after that. If it isn’t she will have to have additional treatment we are believing for a good report. Thanks so much for your love, concern and support we love you all.

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