The blessings in suffering

I want to start by sincerely thanking everyone for all you have done for my family and me. I will not forget your kindness. Every card, prayer, donation and helping hand has helped us more than you know. Thank you.

This time has been challenging for me and my family. It has been the hardest thing we have faced together. I have not felt as weak and as helpless as I do right now. Every day I have to trust God for his help and strength to take things one day at a time.

But even at this time I see the blessings in the midst of my pain. I see my oldest son so strong and stable like we have never seen him before. I see the heart of my second son willing to drop everything to make me toast or simply pick up toys laying in the living room. I hear my oldest daughter pray for me and tell me she loves so much and my youngest who is two, turns to me and says “your going to be fine mom, don’t be scared” then hands me her favorite blankie. I can’t help but see that as God at work in the lives of my kids. That is a blessing to me. It’s a blessing that has to come through hardship that wouldn’t have been seen any other way, and I’m thankful. There is blessing in suffering, I see it and I feel it.

Things you can pray for with me:

  • That my nausea will subside that my strength would increase daily.
  • During Christmas, my blood counts will be at their lowest pray that I will be healthy and strong.
  • Health for my kids.
  • I have to take shots to increase my white blood cell counts – They produce achy bones and flu-like symptoms
  • Most of all pray that at the end of these three months I won’t need any more treatments or radiation.

Merry Christmas,

8 thoughts on “The blessings in suffering”

  1. your sister sarah

    My Precious Sister Sandra, thank you for the beautiful post.

    We will be praying that your are strong this Christmas and coming year. What a surprise this year has turned out to be. IT is amazing to look and see all the Lord has done in your life over the past 16yrs. You have truly grown in more ways than one. Your love for your family and the Lord are beautiful to watch. Your passion for food is something i greatly admire. Your quiet and contrite spirit are precious and truly qualities i desire. You are a beautiful example to so many around you of a Proverbs 31 woman. i love and admire you greatly!

    As i read the word of God today it says, “When we are week HE is made strong” i can’t help but think of you and the situation you find yourself in. With no warning it seems you have entered a season no one saw coming. Yet i see His strength in you (and your family) as you walk this journey. It is beautiful to see the many words of love and comfort and acts of kindness being poured out upon you in this season! So many wish to show you their love and support, because they are grateful for all you have done for them. Through the past decade you and Sam have poured your lives out for others and now others have the opportunity to express their gratitude. How wonderful to hear of the many prayers being prayed on your behalf. The Lord is faithful and although i can not imagine how it feels to go through what you are going through, i can say with great delight that the Lord is truly working all things for His good!! Though this season is not easy, i am praying for a supernatural strength to fill you and Sam. May the Lord continue to pour out His grace and mercy as you and the family walk this unknown journey. We love you dearly and pray for you daily.

    Psalms 138:3 “On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.”
    Sandra, you are stronger than you know.
    For when you are weak God’s strength takes over.
    May the strength of the Lord be your portion today!!!

    1. Sandra,
      I know your husband from Children’s pastor’s conferences. I went to one of his workshops at the last CPC and was blessed to hear his passion for the Gospel and for kids.

      Our family walked through 2 1/2 year of chemo treatments with my 12 year old. It was the hardest thing we have done as a family. Please know I am praying for you and your family tonight. Hand on to Jesus. He will get you through this.

  2. Praying for you and the family Sandra. We are believing for God to touch you in many ways. We pray healing in Jesus name. Be blessed Gary & Sheila

  3. Dear Sandra
    As I lay here in bed feeling weak n nauseated I know that someone else is also going through the same battles. I Hv also seen many blessings in this last year. Do I get frustrated and weary…yes, but there are also pockets of sunshine, gratitude and strength.
    There is light at the end of the tunnel my sister. Pls call me or text whenever you need to call someone ‘who’s been there’. 905-979-9036
    Love n blessings
    Lynn portillo

  4. I am praying for you and your family. I have seen too how God is faithful in these situations and while it may seem hard right now, God will provide all you and your family need – Jesus said “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and faith in Me”. If I can help in any way, please let me know. I am familiar with what you are going through and if you would like to talk , please feel free to give me a call. God bless you and your family.

  5. Love you so much, Sandra. We are continually praying for you. Please call on me if you need a day. Caroline would love to help as well if you need a helper at all. We love you and are believing for such a positive report that even the doctors are astounded. Love, Leslie (and family of course)

  6. Thank you for sharing especially the ability to see blessings through suffering. God is faithful and how precious your children. Praying for you and your family, and thank you for giving us specific prayers. Stay strong.

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