Free Bible Lesson Ephesians

Key Point –What is the church and what is my place in the church
Memory Verse – Ephesians. 4:16 “Under His direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly…” (NLT)

Children’s Sermon – Bible Story – Tell the story of the first church – Acts 2 –
The Church Helps me Grow
The Church Helps me Know
Know Others
Know God more

Object Lesson – Have a plant show the kids how healthy the plant is explained to the kids the components that make a healthy plant – it has good soil, water, sun, fertilizer ect..  If we are missing any of these components the plant will die. When we are healthy we have attend church we worship, we read our bibles and we love others. Coming to church helps us to be a healthy Christian.

Skit – Lonely Boy, Have a skit where there is a boy who is very sad and very lonely. A group of kids come up to the boy and invite him to kids church he doesn’t want to go because no one cares about him. They say ok and leave. He continues to talk about how he feels so alone, the kids come back and ask if he wants to go to get some ice cream he says that he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t know anyone. He leaves sad because no one wants to be his friend.

Skit – Mr. Know  it all – He comes out and knows everything about everything. You ask him how many feet are in a yard he knows, you ask how far the earth is from the sun he know, you ask how much the human head weighs he knows. The MC asks how he knows so much and he says that he reads books and goes to school. The MC then asks what was the name of God’s Son? Name two disciples. What are the two things the church helps us do? How many books of the Bible are there? Mr. Know it all is flustered he doesn’t know any of that and tells the MC that he doesn’t know that stuff he has never even heard about it. MC explains that just like we learn about planets and measurements at school and from school books we learn more about Jesus at church and by reading the Bible. The more we read the more we go the more we know.

Object Lesson – We all come together in one place to meet with God. We come to church to worship God. Have two people tied together with rope or wearing a large shirt show how they don’t accomplish anything when they are going in different directions. But when they are united like the early church was united they accomplish much.

Object Lesson – Every part does something else we need each other – Think of trying to walk with no feet – Think of picking something up without any thumbs. We all need each other we all make up the church. Some people are seen a lot some are not seen as much.

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