Gospel-Centered Counseling with Logos Bible Software

Logos is well-known for their incredible bible software. I have mentioned in other posts how easy it is to do a word search in Logos. The speed in which you can search commentaries and original languages is simply amazing. One of my favorite features they offer is the ability to get a jump-start in your study process by entering a word or scripture and Logos searches all your resources to give you everything you need to get started. Often times it’s that jump-start and clarity that get you going.

Something Logos offers that you might not be aware of is bible classes complete with video, additional reading,  and notes that allow you to follow along. For the purposes of a review on my blog Logos graciously gave me a copy of Elyse Fitzpatrick’s , Gospel-Centered Counseling on Logos Bible Software

Elyse delves deep into the importance of and practical aspects of Gospel Centered Counseling. No matter where you serve in your local church practical and spiritual this mobile education course in counseling and personal and professional development—build the fundamental character principles every growing and learning Christian must have. Elyse Fitzpatrick brings over 24 years’ of biblically-focused counseling to your education, helping you understand the importance of a rock-solid identity in Christ, and teaching you methods for imparting this knowledge to others.

I have listened to several of the videos already and have found them encouraging and practically helpful. Elyse not only gives you practical teaching she walks it through with you by discussing case studies.

Here is a short video of Elyse talking more about her class on the Logos Mobile Education platform.

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