Great training and free resources

INCM has a rich 35 year history of training Children’s Pastors through encouraging Main sessions, engaging breakouts and an expansive resource center. What I love about INCM and CPC is they are a non-profit ministry that exists to serve those who serve others. They don’t say this is how you should do it but rather see many ways it’s done and do whats best for you and your church.
In the past few years there has been a dramatic and intentional push to help kids pastors who attend to connect and learn from each other. Love the value you get from the CPC experience. It’s not to late you can still register for CPC West.
CPC East coast is in the books the good news is CPC west is right around the corner. If you are on the fence get off and register now.
Here is a bit of what you can expect at the west Coast from the Highlights the East Coast event.
Here are a few of the training highlights you can look forward to:
  • 441 options to customize your training experience
  • Four networking meals (included with price of registration)
  • Earn a certificate in children’s ministry
  • Tour local churches or participate in one of our preconference sessions
  • Over $4,000 of savings available in our Resource Center, the largest gathering of children’s ministry resources in the world!

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