How the gospel can be seen in the move Frozen: superficial vs. sacrificial love

These will probably be my last posts about the movie Frozen although I can’t guarantee it. I talked about why Frozen was so compelling and how fairy tails point to a much grander much greater story. *Spoilers* (Please don’t read on if you don’t want to know some of the details from the movie.)

Frozen didn’t follow the typical Disney fairy tale model of Girl happy, Girl meets boy, Witch angry, Girl taken, Boy saves girl with magic kiss. Frozen tells the story of a girl born with a special gift, she can makes snow and ice in various forms at will. As a girl she accidentally freezes her sister’s head. The sister is fixed by the magic of a troll. As a result the eldest girl “Elsa” stays in her room because the older she gets the stronger her gift becomes. She stays away from everyone to hide her secret and to keep from accidentally hurting anyone. At her coronation her younger sister confronts her about shutting everyone out and she gets angry and shoots ice across the hall her secret is exposed and she leaves to live her life alone and free.

1. Our problems (sin) effect others far more than we realize

2. The law says conceal grace says revel –

3. Sacrificial love is more powerful than superficial love – 

I am not a Disney hater but I am also not a Disney nut, I lived in Florida for 6 years and so my personal quota for Disney Park attendance was filled long ago. One of the things that has often bothered me about Disney even more than the witches and magic was how they depicted love. Love is always seen in Disney movies as this perfect superficial love at first sight every day is a fairy tale love. If you  have ever fallen in love with another person you know that this is far from true. But the idyllic depiction of love creates this metal image which tells us that if every day of my life is not a fairy tale I married the wrong prince.

When we have a wrong view of love and a wrong view of Gods love we are led further from the gospel and deeper into our own selfish pursuit of a happiness that doesn’t exist. We somehow think that we deserve to be happy. When even our own Bill of Rights doesn’t guarantee happiness but rather the pursuit of it. Paul tells us in Ephesians the key to a happy marriage is not having your needs met but rather in out loving your spouse. In laying down your life for your family. In our marriages and in our lives we will only  One of favorite verses in the bible tells us how we are supposed to think of and treat others.

Philippians 2:5-8

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

I admit that I was shocked that the definition of true love in the movie was not a kiss from the price you don’t know who you fell in love with at first sight but rather in the willingness of a sister to sacrifice her life for her sibling. Powerful picture for kids to see of the love Jesus Christ modeled for us. That while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

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