6 questions to help you rethink your family ministry needs

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Rethink the needs of your church – What do the families in your particular context need?

  1. When are they dialed in?  Do they need a resource or a program? Here are a few we have identified.
    Baby born – resource
    Baby dedicated – program
    Talking to your kids about sex – resource
    Baptism – resource
  2. Don’t reinvent the wheel but make the wheel fits your car. – A few things out there to check out, Group’s milestones, Orange’s parent resources, and D6.
  3. Make sure the steps are practical. – Parents need simple and step by step.
  4. Make sure you help parents see that their story for their family is part of a much bigger story.
  5. Make sure that in everything you do Jesus is clearly seen. We have to partner with Christ before we can partner with parents.

3 thoughts on “6 questions to help you rethink your family ministry needs”

  1. During the KidMin conference you quoted a book giving the simplicity of praying with your children. I can not find that in my notes where I wrote it down to read it. Can you help?

    Thanks again Sam.

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