Why you should attend LifeWay’s Kids Ministry Conference


The next conference I will be going to this fall is Lifeway‘s Kid’s Ministry Conference. I have never attended Lifeway‘s conference and am very excited to be teaching three breakouts. I will be doing one on volunteers, one on leading for the long haul and one on the 5 things ever leader has to get right.

I had the privilege of going to Lifeway‘s special web event with the Gospel project rollout. I met many of the Lifeway team and they were fabulous. I really love their heart for kids ministry and their willingness to grow, learn and listen. Loved what I saw and our church is actually going to start using the Gospel Project in the fall.

Here is why I’m excited about going to Lifeway‘s Kids Ministry Conference.

1. I love their non-traditional speaking line up – Tommy Bowden and John Croyle sounds more like a SEC smack down. Lisa Harper and Shawn King will be there as well. Really looking forward to hearing from each of them.

2. Doug Fields will be there. I have heard Doug speak at Orange for two years in a row and was impacted greatly by his message. Really looking forward to hearing from him again.

3. Looking forward to connecting with some of the people who run the Gospel Project.

4. Some of my best friends will be there! Can’t wait to see them.

If you want to register CLICK HERE

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