INCM’s Shift in global focus.

The last year has represented many changes to the vision of our ministry. This change in purpose has shifted our focus and created a renewed intentionality in everything we do. Those of you who joined us at CPC witnessed the innovation first hand. Others of you heard about it online or from friends. In either case, we are excited about what God is doing in and through our ministry and are honored to have you join us in this adventure.

When an organization undergoes dramatic change to vision, there are many contributing factors which will determine the success or failure of the change. Arguably the most important step is building a team capable of managing the transition. A team has to be equipped and empowered for the task ahead. INCM is blessed to have a team of committed staff who fit this criteria.

About a year ago we adopted a new purpose statement for our ministry: serve | serve | serve. INCM exists to serve God and to serve those called to serve His children. We have pushed hard to live out this new purpose statement. In a single year we have gone from a ministry primarily focused on events in the U.S. to a ministry with a global focus. This year we have transitioned from two major domestic events to a total of over 10 events. These events include:

  • CPC East and West
  • CM Leaders – a new event designed to train “leaders of leaders” in our unique calling
  • 3 events in Belize
  • 2 events in Hong Kong
  • 1 event in Egypt
  • several smaller regional events

With the renewed vision shifting our strategic focus, we have streamlined our staff. Our new ministry structure allows our team to navigate challenges and opportunities more effectively and efficiently. For a non-profit ministry, efficiency is one key that moves us to stewardship. This is our desire: to be faithful with the few things we have been entrusted as we pray and seek God’s plan in the coming days.

Roxanne Walker, now serving in her 15th year, is our new Operations Director. She oversees office operations and finances while seeking to implement strategies to enhance the participant experience at INCM events. Roxanne will be assisted by the new Operations Assistant, a position which is yet to be filled. You can email [email protected] for more information.

Lori Bethran ([email protected]), our newest staff member, is now the Training Director for our ministry. Her role represents a renewed focus on our training ministry and is a key part of our efforts to serve the Church. Lori will be managing all domestic and international training efforts, developing content and identifying leaders serving in children’s ministry to join our training team. This will bring continuity and cohesiveness to all INCM events.

Alan Walker ([email protected]), in his sixth year with INCM, will continue as our Marketing Director. His role now includes marketing all of our events and trainings globally while strengthening and expanding collaborative efforts with our ministry partners . He is assisted by Jordan Shew ([email protected]). Jordan has been with us for a couple of years and will now serve as the Communications Leader as he manages our online properties.

I’m honored to serve alongside of our new team and am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this ministry. If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to email me personally; I’m here to serve you. [email protected]

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in the lives of His children. On behalf of our Board and staff team… we are honored to serve you and your ministry.

Michael Chanley
Executive Director

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