Kidmin Resources you need to know about.


I am doing a series at the beginning of the year called the 12 resources you need as a leader in 2012. I came across this blog post and thought that there were lots of good resources linked to in it. As we leave 2011 enjoy following these links with many more to come.

I think after vision and calling the next thing that is important is the resources you choose to use.

I am a huge believer in reading and networking because you become like those you choose to listen to. I know that my philosophy was largely shaped by my time alone with God and the ministries/resources that I allowed to shape my thought process.

I believe it’s Ed Young who says this “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. So with limits on time and budget the resources you pick matter.

(Disclaimer this by no means is a comprehensive list, but is meant to be a starter list to get ya going.)


252Basics & MyFirstLook– We have used this curriculum for 5 years. I love it is the most flexible curriculum out there main reason Word Documents and PDF’s – Also church plants can get 252Basics free for the first year.
Elevate & Elevate Jr. – We have used this curriculum – Love what they do as far as training small group leaders by video every curriculum should do this.
Big (from Hillsong) – Loved the simplicity and effectiveness of their small group stuff and as you would expect the production quality of the videos stuff they produce can not be touched by anyone out there.
Kidmo & Little K – This is the only one out there that I have not used. But if my good friend Jim Wideman likes it that’s good enough for me. – FREE! Need I say more? I am so impressed by Lifechurche’s desire to serve other churches with the resources they have. I really like this curriculum. We use it in one of our campuses. (Important note the regular series stuff they do is seeker driven Konnects is their deeper discipleship stuff.) It is worth a look see.


Children’s Ministry Leadership Guide
Transforming Your kids into spiritual champions
The Effective Executive
Raising Great Kids
Think Orange
Volunteers That Stick
The Tipping Point
The Purple Cow
Inside the Magic kingdom
The Starbucks Experience
My First 90 Days in Ministry


Napkin – A new conference with lots of great speakers and different format all based around the idea of leveraging ideas to see change.
Orange – A conference for Youth, Children, and Senior pastors centered around the idea of leveraging the combined power of church and family.
CPC – The original Children’s Pastor’s conference.
C3 – Went to this conference a few years ago the Mike Johnson and his team at fellowship church do an amazing job. If you use elevate curriculum this conference is a must.
Group’s Kidmin Conference – I am very excited about this conference it seems like the creators of it over at group see the need for a relational, social media, conference and I for one agree. I am so looking forward to attending this october.

Twitter Peeps –


Blogs – – Tons of articles, ideas, and links
Inside Northpoint kids Kendra and her team rock my face off with every post.
Andy Hayes – Redeemer’s Albany Campus Kids pastor
100 to Kidmin blogs from Ministry to – Unbelievable that there is well over 100 kidmin blogs. 3 years ago there was only a handful. You got to love the kidmin community and the content that is out there.

Ministry Networks

Kidology – Resources, ideas and connections with other Children’s Pastors
CMConnect – Facebook for Kids Pastors

Podcasts –

Cmtalk – A general children’s ministry podcast
Ministry-to-Children – Tony Kummer – Interviews leading experts in the area of children’s ministry.
TakeTen – My podcast where I record a ten minute interview with kidspastors and post the ten minute podcast unedited.

12 thoughts on “Kidmin Resources you need to know about.”

  1. Great list! Thanks
    Karl Bastian started up his podcast again last fall as Kidmin talk. That is worth adding to the list, even though it does fall under kidology

  2. Pingback: Links I Liked 1.10.12 « The Heart of the Matter

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