7 basic rules of Twitter etiquette

If you are new to twitter or are just getting started here are a few basic rules of etiquette that I learned the hard way.

1. If you someone Retweets one of your tweets, thank them. The new way twitter does RT’s makes it more difficult to know when you have been RTed, but do you best to find out and be thankful.
2. If you quote someone give them credit
3. Be yourself. You will never be as funny as @Jonacuff stop trying so hard.
4. If you can’t say it in real life don’t say it on twitter. Once you post it you can never take it back. We have all used the toothpaste illustration have we not?
5. Double check your direct messages. Nothing more embarrassing than a public reply that is supposed to be private.
6. Please don’t post the same post from multiple accounts. Think through why you have more than one account. If you are using your multiple accounts correctly very few people should know you have more than one account.
7. Give more than you take

10 thoughts on “7 basic rules of Twitter etiquette”

  1. Nice tips. Is it possible to add things like tweeting too often? Or repeating your own tweets multiple times?
    Maybe I'm following the wrong people. Sometimes I think people should be taught etiquette or 'common' sense in elementary school.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I agree with the repeating of your own tweets. Shouldn't happen. The only time I do this is around 3pm EST I often retweet my blog post link for the west coast people who were sleeping at 5am PST when the blog post was posted. I disagree with the amount of tweets people tweet. You can unfollow fellow tweeters whenever you want. If what people have to say is interesting it doesn't matter how many times they tweet. If you are tweeting about how you are making 5000 dollars a week to work at home that's a whole other problem.

      1. True, agreed.
        When I mention repeating their own tweets, I'm talking about feed flooding, blatant self-marketing. Not exactly the kind of actual information sharing that Twitter is intended for. Sorry if I came off on the wrong foot there.
        Obviously if some tweeter's I follow are agitating my feed, I should unfollow. Instead of mentioning it here. Apologies.
        Thanks for the reply.

  2. Nice tips. Is it possible to add things like tweeting too often? Or repeating your own tweets multiple times?
    Maybe I'm following the wrong people. Sometimes I think people should be taught etiquette or 'common' sense in elementary school.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I agree with the repeating of your own tweets. Shouldn't happen. The only time I do this is around 3pm EST I often retweet my blog post link for the west coast people who were sleeping at 5am PST when the blog post was posted. I disagree with the amount of tweets people tweet. You can unfollow fellow tweeters whenever you want. If what people have to say is interesting it doesn't matter how many times they tweet. If you are tweeting about how you are making 5000 dollars a week to work at home that's a whole other problem.

      1. True, agreed.
        When I mention repeating their own tweets, I'm talking about feed flooding, blatant self-marketing. Not exactly the kind of actual information sharing that Twitter is intended for. Sorry if I came off on the wrong foot there.
        Obviously if some tweeter's I follow are agitating my feed, I should unfollow. Instead of mentioning it here. Apologies.
        Thanks for the reply.

  3. Very helpful post for me. I've been on Twitter since 2007 and it's been an uphill battle trying to use it. Not that it's hard. It's not. I understand exactly how it works and I enjoy it when I use it, the problem is trying to build it into my workflow, trying to make it something I do automatically.

    Even more than that, I'm trying to make it something I do to connect with other people, not just to tweet random opinions and links. Anyway, I appreciate this post for taking me back to the basics. Moving forward I have to keep these in mind if I want to create a truly social experience.

    1. Glad you found this helpful. If you want to find people in the kidmin community to follow use "#kidmin" to search twitter you should find lots of relevant people to follow. Thanks for taking time to comment.

  4. Very helpful post for me. I've been on Twitter since 2007 and it's been an uphill battle trying to use it. Not that it's hard. It's not. I understand exactly how it works and I enjoy it when I use it, the problem is trying to build it into my workflow, trying to make it something I do automatically.

    Even more than that, I'm trying to make it something I do to connect with other people, not just to tweet random opinions and links. Anyway, I appreciate this post for taking me back to the basics. Moving forward I have to keep these in mind if I want to create a truly social experience.

    1. Glad you found this helpful. If you want to find people in the kidmin community to follow use "#kidmin" to search twitter you should find lots of relevant people to follow. Thanks for taking time to comment.

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