How to use Facebook to connect with families.

One of the problems in the information age is that there are so many ways for receive and give information. I find it frustrating that you send text messages, make flyers, phone calls, emails, twitter and facebook and you miss 20% of your families.

Often my best ideas were stared from something I have seen or heard somewhere else. I remember having a conversation with Jim Wideman about how he is using Facebook to connect with kids in his youth ministry it really got me thinking about how to use Facebook in children’s ministry. So I thought that over the next few days I would break down how we are using Facebook and plan to use Facebook to better connect with the families that attend Redeemer.

1. Create a volunteer position whose job is to be the “Facebook Evangelist for Uptown”

2. Create events to connect families to our fan page

3. Use the fanpage as a source of weekly updates on what their kids are learning in Uptown as well as to inform parents of events coming up.

4. Try to help connect people who attend our church to the life of our church using Facebook.

How are you using social media in your ministry?

16 thoughts on “How to use Facebook to connect with families.”

  1. I love the idea of KidMin Social Media Evangelist. Right now I do most of that with our blog that updates twitter, which updates facebook (sounds like a crazy game of telephone) four times a week. Here's the breakdown of what we do each week:

    Monday – Recap of what we did this past weekend.
    Tuesday – Top 1 or 5 events for families to keep on their radar.
    Wednesday – A parenting tip/resource (usually something from Orange or
    Thursday – Encouraging tweet about the importance of parents/CM/volunteers

    I really liked your hear more about how you use events to connect people with your facebook page.

      1. I'd love to Sam. Email me with a time that works for you and we can do something over the phone or skype.

  2. Heather Ramsdell

    This is great! Thanks for the post and for the comment! I love the idea of a "Facebook Evangelist for Children of Destiny." It seems like I am not able to keep up with postings, so I shall deligate! I love finding people who are gifted in areas and watching what God can do!

    Sam you have done it again, given me another tool!

    1. Heather thanks for the comment. The great thing about social media is it's something you can delegate with perimeters.

  3. I love the idea of KidMin Social Media Evangelist. Right now I do most of that with our blog that updates twitter, which updates facebook (sounds like a crazy game of telephone) four times a week. Here's the breakdown of what we do each week:

    Monday – Recap of what we did this past weekend.
    Tuesday – Top 1 or 5 events for families to keep on their radar.
    Wednesday – A parenting tip/resource (usually something from Orange or
    Thursday – Encouraging tweet about the importance of parents/CM/volunteers

    I really liked your hear more about how you use events to connect people with your facebook page.

      1. I'd love to Sam. Email me with a time that works for you and we can do something over the phone or skype.

  4. Heather Ramsdell

    This is great! Thanks for the post and for the comment! I love the idea of a "Facebook Evangelist for Children of Destiny." It seems like I am not able to keep up with postings, so I shall deligate! I love finding people who are gifted in areas and watching what God can do!

    Sam you have done it again, given me another tool!

    1. Heather thanks for the comment. The great thing about social media is it's something you can delegate with perimeters.

  5. I am the children and youth pastor and also do our social media stuff as well. We have one facebook fan page for our church where we keep people up on just about everything going on. If it's in the bulletin, it's also on facebook. Also, I take the liberty of posting a lot of family content as well. Ministry updates, what we're learning updates, etc. Having one page for everyone keeps things centralized and simple. Plus our facebook feeds into our twitter feed automatically, so I only have to post it once.

  6. I am the children and youth pastor and also do our social media stuff as well. We have one facebook fan page for our church where we keep people up on just about everything going on. If it's in the bulletin, it's also on facebook. Also, I take the liberty of posting a lot of family content as well. Ministry updates, what we're learning updates, etc. Having one page for everyone keeps things centralized and simple. Plus our facebook feeds into our twitter feed automatically, so I only have to post it once.

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