ParentLife Magazine: Review and Giveaway

The kind folks over at Lifeway gave me a sneak peek at their redesigned and soon to launch ParentLife magazine. I got the magazine earlier this week and have had a few days to go through it. I love it. At the front of the magazine is few pages dedicated to tips, tricks and products that would be applicable to you and your child based on what age your kids are. The age break downs are – On the way, Birth to 1 year, 1 to 2 years, 3 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, and 9 to 12 years. As a parent three kids that fit in three different age categories I can tell you their suggestions are helpful, practical and insightful.

I really enjoyed their articles on how to stop sibling fights and another on how to take advantage of teachable moments. Their suggestions for creating teachable moments are 1. Be a prepared parent 2. An attentive child 3. A trigger event 4. A biblical principle. They go into detail about each of these, I found the articles in ParentLife both practical and compelling.

One last thing I thought was really neat as a resource for busy families is a monthly calendar that tells you what to do on a certain day to communicate biblical truth in a simple, engaging way. For example March is all about teaching your kids about creation so for example on March 16 “Let’s Eat” Hid a nature object in your kitchen. During dinner, give clues until someone guesses the object and it’s location. A fun simple way to talk about how, why and what God created.

I for one am going to be looking forward to receiving a copy of ParentLife every month. Here is a link where you can find out more about the magazine and how to subscribe.

Here is a link to a PDF sample of the March Issue

They have also graciously offered to give one of my readers a free one year subscription to ParentLife. If you are interested Either Leave a comment, tweet the following or do both.

@samluce is giving away a free yr. subscription 2 ParentLife Mag. from @lifewaykids at #kidmin

28 thoughts on “ParentLife Magazine: Review and Giveaway”

  1. I've enjoyed ParentLife in the past and would love to receive it regularly! Thanks for the chance to be able to receive it for free!

  2. One step ahead of me! I just got a copy to try it out yesterday and was planning on doing a review. It looks very promising. Glad you liked it so well! I would love a subscription, since I only got one sample issue.

  3. I'm a fan of Lifeway's ParentLife but have not kept up in recent years, so a subscription is welcome if I can get it.

    So, Pick Me!

  4. I've enjoyed ParentLife in the past and would love to receive it regularly! Thanks for the chance to be able to receive it for free!

  5. One step ahead of me! I just got a copy to try it out yesterday and was planning on doing a review. It looks very promising. Glad you liked it so well! I would love a subscription, since I only got one sample issue.

  6. I'm a fan of Lifeway's ParentLife but have not kept up in recent years, so a subscription is welcome if I can get it.

    So, Pick Me!

  7. I see this around at a handful of churches and have looked through the magazine before. It does look interesting and I think our family could make good use of it.

  8. I see this around at a handful of churches and have looked through the magazine before. It does look interesting and I think our family could make good use of it.

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