Blogging: A beginners guide: Why?

I’ve had lots of people (well not lots but a few) ask about how to get a blog started. The first question is not What blog platform is the best, nor is it How do I drive traffic to my site. The first question you need to ask is Why? Why do you want to start a blog in the first place? If you don’t start with why you are going to start and stop because you have no means of measurement to judge yourself by and a couple of weeks into you will quit because you never asked and never answered yourself one simple question. Why am I doing this?

I ask myself that everyday because it takes time and effort to blog. But because I asked myself why early on I keep going, and like anything the more you do something the easier it gets.

Don’t start a blog:

1. Because your friends have one
2. Start a blog to talk about yourself
3. Don’t start a blog if you don’t have the time or energy to interact with your readers
4. Don’t worry that you have nothing to say. The more you do it the easier it get believe me.

Here is why I started my blog almost 4 years ago. Amazingly enough all these things are still true. I love blogging because I have learned so much from all of you. If you are thinking about quitting ask yourself Why before you quit.

What I have learned in my first year in blogosphere.

1. My goal has never been to have lots of hits my goal to network with other leaders to learn and grow. To help our kids be transformed into Christ’s image and reach more kids with the power of the gospel.

2. You learn a lot about your self through the discipline of putting your thoughts out there.

3. You make friends you never would any other way.

4. blogosphere is a sounding board for ideas and thought as well as gaining knowledge from the success and failure of others.

5. I have also found blogging to be a great way to communicate with my own leaders. I have experimented with video, and direct posts to certain volunteer groups. I am looking to do much more in the area of training, equipping and vision/mission reinforcement in the coming year.

When I first started there were maybe 4 or 5 Kidmin blogs out there, now there are well over a hundred. You might think that there is so much out there you don’t need to blog. Wrong. You are you, and the Kidmin community needs your voice. So start today start by asking yourself Why should I start a blog?

18 thoughts on “Blogging: A beginners guide: Why?”

  1. Hey Sam, Thanks for all of the posts that you put up here on the blog. I have been wrestling with the thought of starting a blog. I even set up a practice blog a couple of weeks ago to help me learn the ins and outs of blogging on WordPress before I jump into the mix. You are right on about the why. My why: Parenting and Families. We have a ton of friends who ask us to do parenting classes, but lack of time is a huge restraint. Hopefully I will be able to launch my real blog in the next two weeks. Thanks for all that you do. And thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Jamey,

      You totally need to it would be great for you and for the kidmin community. You have a unique perspective and voice that needs to be heard. I am going to get into the nuts and bolts of blogging hopefully later this week. Hopefully it will be something that you can use as you get ready to "go live". Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment.

  2. Sam,

    Great article. It's interesting to read why other people blog. I think you hit the nail on the head with your list of why. In fact, your article was so good that it made me remember how much I miss blogging and consider jumping back in full boar. I don't think it's time yet, but you have made me anxious to get back to it. Now, I have to go pray about that. 🙂

  3. Hey Sam, Thanks for all of the posts that you put up here on the blog. I have been wrestling with the thought of starting a blog. I even set up a practice blog a couple of weeks ago to help me learn the ins and outs of blogging on WordPress before I jump into the mix. You are right on about the why. My why: Parenting and Families. We have a ton of friends who ask us to do parenting classes, but lack of time is a huge restraint. Hopefully I will be able to launch my real blog in the next two weeks. Thanks for all that you do. And thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Jamey,

      You totally need to it would be great for you and for the kidmin community. You have a unique perspective and voice that needs to be heard. I am going to get into the nuts and bolts of blogging hopefully later this week. Hopefully it will be something that you can use as you get ready to "go live". Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment.

  4. Sam,

    Great article. It's interesting to read why other people blog. I think you hit the nail on the head with your list of why. In fact, your article was so good that it made me remember how much I miss blogging and consider jumping back in full boar. I don't think it's time yet, but you have made me anxious to get back to it. Now, I have to go pray about that. 🙂

  5. this was really timely for us too–my husband and I just set up a kidmin blog on Saturday (but haven't actually written anything yet!) Our biggest fear is not being consistent. I do not know how you blog so regularly–but I'm glad you do!

  6. Stephanie Watson

    this was really timely for us too–my husband and I just set up a kidmin blog on Saturday (but haven't actually written anything yet!) Our biggest fear is not being consistent. I do not know how you blog so regularly–but I'm glad you do!

    1. Jen,

      Just checked out your site. Very nice really like how easy it was to navigate. You can tell that you guys were thinking of parents when you created it. Good job.

    1. Jen,

      Just checked out your site. Very nice really like how easy it was to navigate. You can tell that you guys were thinking of parents when you created it. Good job.

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