I'm not a perfect parent.

I am going to do a few posts this week discussing some of the things I have learned in the past few years as a parent. I do want to start with a disclaimer. I am not a perfect parent. I need to say that out of the gate because I have a long standing policy that I never offer parenting advice unless people directly ask my opinion. I do this for a few reasons
1. I am not a perfect parent, I do not know everything
2. I want friends.
3. People who ask for advice generally want to hear what you have to say so giving them advice will not waste your time or theirs.

I do feel however that blogging parenting principles I have learned is different than offering tips based on behavior I see kids exhibiting in front of me. The tough thing about kids and raising kids is that there are few things in life as intensely personal as how you raise your kids. Any correlation between the stories I share and your kids is coincidental and most likely a case of human nature. I am blogging about these parenting tips I have learned but not mastered as a way remind me of the things I am trying to build into my kids and if you find them helpful that’s great. If you find them less than helpful consider them the rantings of a tired father who loves his kids more than they will ever know.

4 thoughts on “I'm not a perfect parent.”

  1. Uncle Sam…i must say you are a WONDERFUL Father. My kiddos are in LOVE with you. Though not perfect, you are getting a whole lot right. i look forward to hearing the "rantings of a tired father!" i will be taking notes the entire time – love you loadZ Big Bro.

  2. P.S. – right now, i am getting "Schooled by my kids!!! No Joke."
    While we try to teach our children all about life,
    Our children teach us what life is all about.
    Angela Schwindt

    1. P.S. right now i am getting "Schooled" by my kids!! No Joke."
      While we try to teach our children all about life,
      Our children teach us what life is all about.
      Angela Schwindt

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