imakidmin: find your element

My friend Michael Chanley has done it again. He has given the kidmin community another opportunity to connect and network online and with imakidmin maybe offline.

Chanley created Cmconnet a couple of year ago and it has quickly become a sort of  kidmin facebook I know I found a couple of kids pastors who live near me through Cmconnect. Enter imakidmin a social media site where you fill out a map of the US and the world by putting your physical location down on the map. I was amazed how many people I follow on twitter and read their blogs live within driving distance and that’s saying something for someone who doesn’t live anywhere near the buckle of the bible belt.

Check out Chanley’s new site and put yourself on the map literally. You can get to his site by clicking this link or by clicking the green element ad to the right.

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