YouTube Friday: Why the North won the war

One of the things I find funny is how serious the south still takes the civil war. I remember hearing people from the south on a few occasions say that they can’t believe that the north won the war, after someone from the north does something stupid (we definitely have our share of ding-dongs up here.) I started to think maybe the south should have won, they are more polite, they have sonic, chick-fil-a and sweet tea. Then I discovered this video and the corresponding website and I was reminded afresh why the North won the war.

Here is his incredibly nuts website. Caution! Ducktape your head first so it doesn’t explode as you read.

4 thoughts on “YouTube Friday: Why the North won the war”

  1. Sam, as a Tennessean I feel like I need to let you know that we are really embarrassed. No seriously, it's embarrassing. I've been trying for years to convince my northern/western friends that yes, we do wear shoes and no, I don't like country music. Of course now all of my efforts are null. I think rather than talk about our state… I'll just stick with Nashville.

  2. Courtney,

    I have been to Tennessee it's a lovely state. Everyone I met was fantastic, super nice which is why I was surprised to hear that some people in the south don't like people from the north and still think about the civil war. I think Tennessee is a great state I loved Nashville. I don't care where you live this guy is nuts. Thanks for your comment I am sorry you happen to live in the same state as the guy in this video.

  3. Haha! I live even further south!!! Oh, no! Hard to imagine that people can have such crazy ideas, and still get it together enough to be an "official" candidate!! My favorite part on his website was the part about putting all the money in buckets and taking each county a bucket! Maybe that would work with our church budget?? LOL!!

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