Review: The Lads Kids Curriculum.

As a kids pastor I am always very cautious when it comes to resources developed outside of a local church context. I believe strongly in the value of the local church. When I met the Lads last year I wasn’t sure what to expect. I liked them from the start. Something about the southern hemisphere. Most people who I have met from there have a great sense of humor. They were a blast to hang out with but more than that they were passionate about the local church. They shared a bit of their journey and how they were committed to connect kids to God through the context of the local church.

With that being said they told me about a curriculum they were working on they sent me a copy to review and asked me to give a few away.

My review:

What’s included? – 1 music cd, 1 story DVD, 1 Commander’s (leaders) guide, 1 Mission Handbook (comic workbook), 1 Comic story book.

What I liked: I liked how they covered topics kids deal with. The topics they cover reach kids between the ages of 2nd grade and 5th. There is some flexibility based on the user but in my opinion 2nd to 5th is their sweet spot. I loved the integration of comic book, video and live instructor. Each kid would get a workbook that is a comic book and the instructor has their own book, my son LOVES the comic book. The videos are done in a Hannah Montana style kids drama. It is funny and your kids will like it. I also really liked that it focused on the basics of the Christian faith. Some topics include talking about How God has a plan for us, God’s love for us, Salvation great stuff for kids of all ages.

What I didn’t like: There wasn’t much that I didn’t like. The one thing that I find hard is figuring out how to integrate this into what we already do on the weekend. For me this curriculium would be a great discipleship track or a VBS curriculum.

Overall: I really liked it. The addition of the cartoon book was huge especially for boys. I think girls will totally dig it as well, but having two boys I find it nice that there is a curriculum that boys can relate to and enjoy.

I would totally recommend this curriculum. For more information on how to get a copy for yourself visit their site.

*Disclaimer – I was supplied a copy of the curriculum for review purposes.

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