Crowdsourcing your blog.

One of the things I am good at is knowing what I am not good it. One of those things is spelling and grammer. They say the opposite of love is not hate but ambivalence well that is me with grammer. If I were a super hero I think my power would be the ability to read misspelled words. Not scrambled words because that actually takes the ability to spell when reconstructing the word to it’s original state. I must mention to save some face that I once did place 3rd in a spelling bee at school. Ya you guessed it there were only 3 people entered.

I had a bold fresh thought that came to me like most of my best thoughts……. from someone else. My friend said to me you should send my wife your blog posts she can barely read your blog because of all your poor grammer. I at that moment realized that sending my posts to someone who has a full time job really wouldn’t be a good idea but what if I gave access to my blog to a few people I know that are grammer OCD? That way they have the power to fix the very thing that keeps them from coming to my blog. So if I find like 3 or 4 of these people I will not only make my blog better with their help, but I guarantee that at least 3 people will read my blog. It’s a win win. I help them fulfill their grammer OCDness and they help me with an area I struggle with, so I can focus on what matters to me – finding a cool, appropriate photo for the top of my posts.

How do you crowdsource in ministry?

17 thoughts on “Crowdsourcing your blog.”

  1. I read your blog…but would be of no use in the spelling/grammar dept…sorry.

    But, keep it coming! I’ll take it any way it comes!

  2. I read your blog…but would be of no use in the spelling/grammar dept…sorry.

    But, keep it coming! I’ll take it any way it comes!

  3. Ha! My wife got on to me today about this very thing. I wrote a post today about spelling and grammar, something that needs to be accurate in the communication we send parents and volunteers. She got on to me becasue although that is something that I do for public communication to parents and volunteers, I slack on my personal blog. WP doesn't always do a good job of catching typos, but I've also felt that blogs are not so formal, its raw thoughts from my head and heart… not refined and proofed and re-written. Oh well, maybe I should look for some copy editors as well. 🙂

  4. Ha! My wife got on to me today about this very thing. I wrote a post today about spelling and grammar, something that needs to be accurate in the communication we send parents and volunteers. She got on to me becasue although that is something that I do for public communication to parents and volunteers, I slack on my personal blog. WP doesn't always do a good job of catching typos, but I've also felt that blogs are not so formal, its raw thoughts from my head and heart… not refined and proofed and re-written. Oh well, maybe I should look for some copy editors as well. 🙂

  5. Todd I agree that's why I am going to try giving access to around 5 or 6 OCD grammar people. That way as they read my blog and they see something they are free to change it. I don't know if it will work but it's worth a try. And the way I look at it anything is better than nothing.

    1. I'm trying to limit my OCD editing to egregious errors only. 🙂 In your post today I changed defiantly to definitely. Brings me a strange kind of joy.

    1. Todd I agree that's why I am going to try giving access to around 5 or 6 OCD grammar people. That way as they read my blog and they see something they are free to change it. I don't know if it will work but it's worth a try. And the way I look at it anything is better than nothing.

      1. I'm trying to limit my OCD editing to egregious errors only. 🙂 In your post today I changed defiantly to definitely. Brings me a strange kind of joy.

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