YouTube Friday: Don't Commit Adultery Kids!

Here is a fantastic example of average animation with a message that is completely missing it audience. It’s important that we make sure that our content and presentation are always on the same page. These guys totally missed it….unless their goal was to end up on YouTube friday in that case…..Homerun!


Thanks Kenny for this fabulous little nugget.

28 thoughts on “YouTube Friday: Don't Commit Adultery Kids!”

  1. Actually, my kids have this video!!! It's a clip from a video talking about the 10 commandments and, I believe, is QUITE appropriate for kids to hear and learn about. Remember, kids are the most impressionable when they are young – especially under 5 years old. The video, though outdated and typical sub-par Christian media, does a great job at presenting the "Top Ten." Get beyond the goofiness of it and see the message behind it.

  2. Dean, also I would add that I do believe kids should learn the 10 commandments. However explaining Adultery to kids that age this video is focusing on is not appropriate in my book. I think you need to explain in ways kids can understand at they age they are. There are many parts of the bible we don't teach kids until they are older, Tamar for example. I think they missed the mark IMHO

    1. I never heard the world adultery in this clip – did I miss it??? I heard them talking about being faithful, staying together in times of storms, keeping your eyes for only the one you’ve committed to, etc.

      I think if kids can and do experience divorce within their families, they are certainly old enough to hear a positive message about staying faithful. This video may be kind of goofy, or even creepy, but the message should be shared with them even when they are young.
      .-= Dean Butterfield´s last blog ..Fasten Your Seatbelt! =-.

    2. Agreed there are some stories we should not share with kids until they are able to handle it! But the world "adultery" doesn't appear anywhere in this video – it talks about being faithful and true to the one you've made a commitment to! If kids can and do experience the pain and reality of divorce, then thy can certainly learn about the BIBLE BASED virtue of faithfulness and not breaking your covenants! Just b/c the video is a little creepy (not to mention the typical sub-par Christian media genre) doesn't mean it is inappropriate.

  3. Dean, also I would add that I do believe kids should learn the 10 commandments. However explaining Adultery to kids that age this video is focusing on is not appropriate in my book. I think you need to explain in ways kids can understand at they age they are. There are many parts of the bible we don't teach kids until they are older, Tamar for example. I think they missed the mark IMHO

    1. I never heard the world adultery in this clip – did I miss it??? I heard them talking about being faithful, staying together in times of storms, keeping your eyes for only the one you’ve committed to, etc.

      I think if kids can and do experience divorce within their families, they are certainly old enough to hear a positive message about staying faithful. This video may be kind of goofy, or even creepy, but the message should be shared with them even when they are young.
      .-= Dean Butterfield´s last blog ..Fasten Your Seatbelt! =-.

    2. Agreed there are some stories we should not share with kids until they are able to handle it! But the world "adultery" doesn't appear anywhere in this video – it talks about being faithful and true to the one you've made a commitment to! If kids can and do experience the pain and reality of divorce, then thy can certainly learn about the BIBLE BASED virtue of faithfulness and not breaking your covenants! Just b/c the video is a little creepy (not to mention the typical sub-par Christian media genre) doesn't mean it is inappropriate.

  4. watching this video, i had that creepy feeling of "i've seen this before." yep, definitely had the Kingdom Chums video. i'm a preacher's kid, what can i say?

  5. watching this video, i had that creepy feeling of "i've seen this before." yep, definitely had the Kingdom Chums video. i'm a preacher's kid, what can i say?

  6. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (April 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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