Practically Improving Preschool.

Improving you first look environment.

About the Presenter – Kendra Fleming is one of my favorite kids pastors.
1. I love Northpoint church
2. I have been blown away by her willingness to help out other kids pastors.
3. Love her blog – I always say it is one of my favorites. I love how her blog is written from in the trenches and offers practical help that is scalable. You can use it.
Why I picked this. – We just started to use My First Look at our church and I am looking for practical suggestions on how to make our small groups better.
Here are a couple things that stood out to me.
Small group.
  • Have consistency.
  • Introduce your kids  to their small group leaders –
  • 8-10 small group kids in preschool is a great small group number.
Large group –
  • Teach one thing at a time.
  • You need to repeat repeat – They like knowing the answer –
  • Get your story tellers to stick to a script.
  • Internalized the content.
Training –
  • Don’t just tell people what to do tell them why
  • when people don’t get here on time – your kids have to wait – always explain things in the context of vision.
  • Cast vision for why talk about How.
  • Training should be inspirational and practical – don’t give them 15 things to do give them 1 or 2 things.
  • Feedback on consistent basis – if it’s random it feels random. –
  • Make a video of standard motions to songs. You can even use your computers webcam to do this.
  • Pick one thing to do when you go home – DO ONE THING once you have one thing down do the next thing.

3 thoughts on “Practically Improving Preschool.”

  1. Ericca Cantlay

    can you please share Kendra Fleming blog adress. My church will be going to first look curriculum in August (along with basice 252) and would love to read it for great ideas. I have seen some of her little video clips on rethink website and have learned som much just from that..
    thanks for sharing your notes and thoughts from the conference. I hope to be able to make the trip to atlanta for orange 2011

  2. can you please share Kendra Fleming blog adress. My church will be going to first look curriculum in August (along with basice 252) and would love to read it for great ideas. I have seen some of her little video clips on rethink website and have learned som much just from that..
    thanks for sharing your notes and thoughts from the conference. I hope to be able to make the trip to atlanta for orange 2011

  3. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (April 2010) « Dad in the Middle

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