Undercover Boss: Thank people specifically

In undercover boss. A CEO of a major company goes undercover in his or her own company to see, observe and learn in ways he or she never could as CEO. In the process the CEO learns more about themselves, their company and employees they never would have any other way.

The next thing I have learned from undercover boss: Thank people specifically

One of the things I find touching and compelling is how each CEO that gets to know the people in their organization at the end of the show finds a way to show their appreciation for the people on the front lines in a very specific way.

This is something I am working on. In most organizations we tend to want to thank people in mass through dinners or special events. Those things are not bad but can often miss the intended target. I am good at saying thank you to people but what makes a thank-you more than a thank you? When you thank someone for something they have done specifically and you thank them in a way that means something to them.

No one becomes someone with someone else.

Specific thank you ideas –

1. Thank you card with specific language why you appreciate them
2. Thank you posted on the Facebook wall of a volunteer.
3. Send flowers from your kids ministry to that person.
4. Get a gift card to their favorite restaurant
5. Pay them your attention – spend time with them.
6. Pay for a date for their spouse and them. – Or have one of your kid workers babysit for them for free

3 thoughts on “Undercover Boss: Thank people specifically”

  1. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (March 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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