Guest Blogging for FMD today

I had the pleasure, honor to guest blog for a friend of mine Dan lee-Archer most of us know him as FMD. Until about 2 years ago I thought the only people who ever said “I made this friend on the internet” were either a scum bag or a massive nerd with no life whatsoever. I guess I by virtue of not being a scum bag must have no life whatsoever.

I connected with FMD via twitter and blogging. The more I get to know Dan the more I am blown away by his passion for his family, his church and hillsong kids. Dan is an amazing leader and through a thin vail of humor is a heart of gold.

His wife is due 2 weeks ago literally so he asked me to step in and fill his rather large and somewhat smelly blogging shoes. My attempt at doing so is entitled “The Complications of Multiplication.” I hope you enjoy it.

Stay Loose,


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