Creating Fliers. Kids Ministry 101

I got talking with another kidmin leader about what type of handouts fliers we make for kids ministry. He asked me to send him a few samples to see from a design perspective so he could get some ideas. I love making fliers that are fun, functional and maybe different that what people would expect. (please note I am not a graphic artist but a photoshop hack that knows enough to be dangerous but not enough to be good.)

It got me thinking what if we created a place where
1. people could see what other designed often we in children ministry do the same activities like VBS, camp, or lock-in so this could be helpful.
You could download the .psd or .ai file and use someone else’s flier maybe as a starting point for ours saving time and leveraging the power of #kidmin.

In continuing my blog posts about what to do when you start out in Children’s ministry today I would like to talk about the fliers and handouts you make. I personal feel that they need to be excellent. They are an extension of what you do. The problem is that when you are starting out you may not have the tools, experience or time to make a great flyer.

So if you have a parent info flier, vbs info flier, well child policy sign, etc…. send them to me via email [email protected] and I’ll post them on my blog as a resource for everyone.

5 thoughts on “Creating Fliers. Kids Ministry 101”

  1. Very true on the need for excellence on print materials! I recently was browsing through some old files and came across some fliers from my first year in ministry and I’m amazed that anyone showed up after looking at how pathetic my promo material was.

    Also, if you have someone in your church or on staff whose skilled at photoshop they’re a great resource to leverage. I’m a total photoshop novice but our youth pastor has a great eye for design so for larger events, I’ll ask real nice and she’ll usually make me a logo or flier.

    Also moving to a mac caused a huge increase in the ease of producing quality fliers. Pages is a great program.

  2. Pingback: This Week in Children’s Ministry for 11/11/2009

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