Resources to help your kids read their bibles.

Parent involvement in getting kids to read and love their bibles is huge. Kids need a biblical world view. They need to see the practical outworking of the Bible in their everyday life. They need to understand that all the amazing stories in the Bible actually did take place.

As parents we need to do a better job of giving our kids a Biblical world view. As a pastor I recognize I need to be better at getting info out there and pointing parents to resources that can help them instill the value of God’s word in their child’s life.


NIrV Little Kids Adventure Audio Bible

I just ordered this haven’t listened to it yet but I have have heard some great things.

Bible for kids age 0-3

The beginner’s Bible
This is the Bible we used for our oldest till he wore it out. Great bible for little ones. lots of good stories that are short and well illustrated and yet biblically accurate great for what it says a “beginner bible”

Bible for kids 3 – 6

The Jesus Storybook Bible
I bought this bible for my son because he wore out his other one. I heard lots of good stuff on the web about it. What an amazing bible. Sally Lloyd Jones does an amazing job of weaving in the redemptive story in each bible story she tells. The other night I read the story of Joseph. I teared up at the powerful way she connected Joseph’s story to Jesus. Mrs. Jones is a gifted writer and the illustrations are amazing. If you have a kiddo 3-6 years old. Buy this bible today.

Bible for kids 6 – 9

The Day By Day Kid’s Bible.
This bible is great because in 7 minutes a day you can read the bible in a year. They have taken out all the begets (Bob beget Fred, Fred beget Bill etc…) and all the listing of crazy laws. To help kids engage in the overall story of the bible and to develop a habit of daily reading of God’s word.

Bible for 9-12

The Edge Devotional Bible
Great bible for the preteen set. Has daily devotions, cool graphics and relevant applications. It is a full NIV bible, I also really like the NiRV Backpack Bible for kids this age as well.

Most parents what to do the right thing but so often they are either so busy or overwhelmed by so many choices, many parents just need a nudge in the right direction and that is what I hoped to accomplish today.

These are just some suggestions to get you started.

  • Make sure you kids have a bible
  • Make sure it’s age appropriate, they can’t read it if they don’t understand it and they won’t read it if it’s to baby.
  • Guide them – The bible is an amazing life changing book but without guidance kids struggle with seeing it’s value.
  • Read your bible 🙂 Kids learn by what they see you do.

16 thoughts on “Resources to help your kids read their bibles.”

  1. Tony, Tanya,

    I am a HUGE fan of the Jesus Storybook bible. It is by far the best kids bible I have ever read.


    Haven’t heard of that one. I’ll have to check it out.

  2. I used to have discipleship groups at a previous church and when a kid signed up for the group, they got Edge Bibles as well as Backpack Bibles depending on their age. Great list.

  3. I’ve got to get that Storybook Bible.

    and reading this just makes me want to say, “If the King James Bible was good enough for the Apostle Paul, it’s good enough for me!”

    I once heard a guy say this for real. I laughed. It was awkward. It wasn’t a joke.

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