My Son's First Day

Today I become Gianni’s dad. When kids go to school you become “Oh so your Gianni’s Dad, nice to met you” I think when kids go to school is the beginning of the end for personal coolness as a father. I plan on fighting the system as long as I can.

I can’t believe that 5 years ago the little life I held in my hands I am now entrusting into the hands of others to educate. (side note I don’t think, homeschool, private, public schools are better or worse than each other I think you have to do two things, know your child and be involved whatever system you choose) Time flies. I am excited, sad, happy and proud.  

I have prayed every night for my son “God help my boy to make wise choices and good friends” , those are the two biggest things that derail the destiny of kids poor choices and bad friends.

“Lord protect my boy, help him be salt and light. Give him the grace he needs to make wise choices and good friends. Amen”

Stiff upper lip time. (for me not him)

2 thoughts on “My Son's First Day”

  1. oh my gosh he is so cute !!! Cant believe he is old enough to go to school !!! Where is going? good luck!! P.S. tell sandra she looks great !!!

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