Parenting Skills: Intro

One of the things you become more aware of over time, and by over time I mean once you turn 25, is the good things your parents taught you. It’s amazing how your parents get smarter the older you get.

One of the things I have become more aware of in the past couple of years is the amazing parenting skills my parent taught me as I grew up. Before I continue let me offer this disclaimer.

I don’t know everything about parenting, my kids are far from perfect and my wife and I make mistakes just like all of you. I don’t profess to be an expert but have become aware that not every parent understands what to do in a given situation. I for some reason most of the time know what to do. I believe this has more to do with what my parents taught me and modeled for me than my own smartness.

I want to do a few posts for parents that you may or may not find helpful about things I have found to be helpful and saw work in my family growing up and seem to be working in our family now.

In an effort to be transparent and let you know that I do not know it all and I struggle with many of the same things you do. I want to tell you some areas we need to work on.

1. Teaching our kids how to handle money

2. Me having a proper boundaries between work/family time.

3. Sometimes I blur the line of respect in my kids eyes because I love playing having fun. I find myself wanting to be their buddy more than their dad.

4. I need to be more intentional about date night or time by myself with my wife.

5. Being more careful to not give my kids what they want to often.

What about you? What are you working on as a parent?

3 thoughts on “Parenting Skills: Intro”

  1. Looking forward to this series. Here are my parenting challenges:
    1. Good communication w/ my husband regarding discipline and spiritual leadership
    2. Boundaries between work, personal pursuits and family time
    3. I cause respect challenges when I address parenting tactics in front of our kids rather than behind closed doors

  2. Hello My Dear Brother — It is so nice to read what you have to say, good stuff!! i agree, the older i get the more i see the quality of what mom and dad taught us. It is amazing some things did not make sense in some ways until now? Anyway, i look forward to reading more of what you have to say. i respect you as a Pastor, husband, father, … sibling, and friend! Your family is a wonderful example to so many. May the Lord continue to give you His wisdom and understanding as you touch those around you!

    your sis

  3. Sam, I think you are on to something very important in posting parenting advice. My wife and I have been talking about helping our kids target in on their personal giftings or strengths. I encourage you to keep writing about this, promote it, and draw in other parents. My parenting challenges are:
    1] my kids. (kidding)
    2] dividing my work, play, family, ministry. I work from home and have a lot of flexibility. I want to help my kids understand a good work ethic, and not put them off all the time too. I have found getting an office outside of the home to help with this.
    3] majoring on the majors, and helping to prepare my kids for the future…tapping into their passions and developing their abilities/ giftings.

    thanks for your input…keep it up!

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