Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-06

  • My youngest getting his very first hair cut. #
  • My youngest getting his very first hair cut. #fb #
  • The cross + nothing else = enough! @mikeservello Great message! #
  • Back in the good ole US of A. #
  • Home! #fb #
  • Meeting with the preschool teacher at our local Catholic School. Tring to decide our sons academic future. Catholic vs. State schools. Help! #
  • Watching UP 3D with my son and a few of his friends. I am a huge Pixar fan! #
  • Just finished watching UP. What a great movie. Pixar understands the power of a good story. #fb #
  • RT @kretzu: uh oh. bad news for IBM and Apple! #
  • At the doctors both boys about to get shots 🙁 #
  • 1 John 3:20 For God is greater than our worried heart and knows more about us than we do ourselves. The Message #
  • Mark 9:24 “… I believe help me with my doubts.” (the massage) #
  • Up praying for Gianni. #
  • RT @samluce: Mark 9:24 “… I believe help me with my doubts.” (the massage). //ooops! Should be Message. Tired+hospital cot = fruedian slip #
  • Update on my 4yo. Please keep praying the docs are trying to decide between viral thing making his knee swell or if it is arthritis. #fb #
  • Reading my bible listening to Hillsong “I Hart the Revolution”. My son is next to me watching Sponge Bob. #
  • Heb. 11:1 The basic fact of existence is that this trust in God is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. #
  • Just talked to @jimwideman about the power of reading your bible. How do you get your #kidmin kids reading and loving their bibles? #
  • RT @nathanfinochio: @samluce lie to them by telling them the bible has candy in it. Kids believe anything. /// Funny but not helpful. lol #
  • Bringing Gianni home! Thanks for your continued prayers. #fb #
  • Finishing up July252 files for my teams. #
  • Watching music videos on YouTube. I could do this for hours. I stinking love music videos. #

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