Don't Be a Nerd. (put down your fannie pack and walk away)

One of my passions in kids ministry is trying to reach kids in unique ways. I have always been amazed how some Kids pastors are stuck doing things the same way they always have. I think that is pretty lame. So Ryan Frank and Jim Wideman were gracious enough to ask me to write an article about why kids pastors are so lame.

I since had someone tell me that their youth pastor friends call kids pastors “Fannie Packers”. That my friends is not helpful in helping young people connect with children’s ministry and want to be kids pastors.

In my article I talked about things that can help us as kids pastors avoid being lame. Here are a couple of points from my article. To read the whole thing subscribe to K! or read the online digital version.

1. We tend to get stuck on what works instead of what’s effective.

2. We compete with Youth Pastors.

K! Mag is anything but lame it has great articles laid out in an amazing fashion. Make sure you sign up for a subscription if you are not ready to commit here is a link to a digital version.

I hope you enjoy the article and for the love of all that is Holy kids pastors put down the fannie packs and pick up K! magazine.

10 thoughts on “Don't Be a Nerd. (put down your fannie pack and walk away)”

  1. Thank you for alienating all the fanniepackers…

    and I have a signed copy in my office, I think I’m gonna put that baby on Ebay this afternoon

  2. Ryan,

    Thanks for giving a voice to those of us who do not wear a fannie pack.


    You left your fanniepack in the back of the rental car from orange. I know you are missing it.

  3. I wish I hadn’t ordered all those “” fanny packs. Thanks a lot Sam… it’s going to take me forever to move these things.

    JC, I’ll give you $4.00 for that autographed copy.

  4. @johnincolorado

    not sure what the problem is. i have a really big fannie pack so i can carry around my testamints, Jesus frisbees, Jesus Bucks and my Mac.

  5. In New Zealand we associate fanny packs with American tourists in their 60’s who wear matching track suits and of course fanny packs… except we call them bum bags here cos fanny is a bit rude.

  6. I want to go on record as being the one starting all the fannie pack comments. I think I need a fannie pack avatar for my awesome comments.

    and it wasn’t a fannie pack left in the rental…remember? It was my waterproof calculator digital watch.

  7. You guys are to funny.

    Sarah yes I should have been more clear for my international readers. I had many friends in Bible College that were European. Bum Bags is what I was referring to. And I apologize for all my excessively loud, bum bag wearing, obnoxious Americans that visit your beautiful country and ask stupid questions.

  8. Not only are fanny packs totally lame, but it’s insulting to who knows how many cultures. They’re wrong on so many different levels.

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