Bible Bucks 2.0

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I have been a kids pastor for a few years now and in the course of those years have tried everything there is to do bible bucks
1. Custom name tags with points updated for each kid by hand. (was I crazy)
2. Paper money (kids getting beat up for bible bucks in the bathroom (bible buck bullies do exist)
3. Stamp books at check in (slowed check in down massively, and books got lost and washed all the time)
4. Bible Bucks 2.0 AKA

I originally wanted to use tokens I thought they went well with our city theme. After our pastor visited (thank you Gina!) He wanted our store to be bigger and better than I had planed for. So bigger prizes means more points means we couldn’t use tokens. So I thought and prayed for a solution and the thought came to me to look into customer loyalty software (VERY expensive about 4,000.00ish). The next day I found a web based (music to my mac loving ears) subscription service (music to our Pastors ears). I began to be excited about stickystreet in the past and was excited by the prospect of what it could do.

Well we are now one month into using stickystreet on Sunday mornings and I couldn’t be more pleased. A few people have asked about and how does it relate to children’s ministry. Let me try and explain.

Why is sticky street better than Traditional Bible Bucks?
1. If the card is lost – the points are not lost
2. If the card is stolen – another kid can’t use the card only the owner can.
3. It is one card so you don’t have a pile of money to keep track of
4. I control how the points are given. Teachers can’t use it as a crutch for a lack of discipline or preparation.
5. It works with a card and barcode scanner but also without a card by searching by last name.
For more info on this visit a previous post of mine.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is
It is a web based customer loyalty program that is entirely customizable by you.

2. How much does it cost?
It varies based on how many kids you have in their system

3. Do I have to put all my kids names in by hand?
No, you can import and export using excel

4. Do you have to use cards?
NO, but I use them because the kids love them. It’s a piece of uptown they take home each week. It also teaches responsibility because although they can get points with out a card they can’t buy anything without one and if they lose their card they have to save points to buy a new one. Lastly it connects them to the uptown website where they down load their devotional that they do with mom and dad, and were they can check their cards balance.

5. Do you need expensive equipment.
No, you need any computer Mac or PC that can go on the web, I am using old computers that our church staff has upgraded from. They work fine, our router is a different story.

6. How is the customer service.
I have been blown away by the personal interaction I have received. Anthony Angell is the owner and a super nice guy (make sure you tell him Sam says Hi)

Sign up for your free trial to see how it all works you first 10 kids are free.

Below are Downloads things I have made for store: They are PDF’s if you want the illustrator or Photoshop files email me and I will send them to you.

Letter To Parents
Card template
Key Tag
Parent/Child Bible Study

5 thoughts on “ Bible Bucks 2.0”

  1. Sam,

    Thank you for sharing your great ideas on your blog. I am in the process of setting up Sticky Street. I found out about it from your blog and called Anthony and he was all about customer service. this is a great resource and thank you so much for your blog it helps us to stay cutting edge in Children’s ministry.

    Thanks for all you do,

    Barry Caudle

  2. Sam,
    Thanks so much for posting this!! You have made my decade! I have wanted to do this for so long, but didn’t know how to make it happen (with the cards/barcodes). This is definitely an answer to prayer… very cool… Thanks!

  3. Michelle,

    No problem. One of the best parts of stickystreet is the customer service Anthony (CEO) rocks. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help or if you just have a question.

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