The Holy Spirt and Recruitment

dove Holy SpiritMy friend and fellow blogger posed this question to me. What is the Holy Spirits role in volunteer recruitment?

I thought it was a great question. Here are my thoughts let me hear yours.

When I first became a children’s pastor (after everyone quit) I promptly went out and started to make my bulitin plea. I felt the Holy Spirit tell me that I should not look for hirelings but true shepherds. I then started to pray very hard. God has supplied all I need. I still have needs he still supplies.

In the process I think the Holy Spirit is invaluable in the leading and guiding of finding the right people and then putting them in the right place. Finding a willing person is the easy part. Figuring out how the Holy Spirit has wired them is a bit tougher. Where will they fit where they will flourish and not just be a temporary fix. For me if my volunteers don’t get something out of what they are doing I have failed them on some level.

I feel holy spirit leads to the “right” people, helps me discern their gift mix, and lastly place them where God wants them and where they will be fulfilled.

3 thoughts on “The Holy Spirt and Recruitment”

  1. That’s a sweet dove you got there! 😉

    Hmmmm, I’m going to save my thoughts for the article that’s coming out in a few months… you’ll just have to wait and see. Oh, but I have a post scheduled to come out tomorrow about something related specifically to this and how God did something pretty cool in return… I like that HS guy!

  2. Oh, forgot to say. Thanks Sam for getting a discussion started here. I was going to ask the question if you hadn’t… I’m really curious to see what other people think on this subject.

  3. My community group just did a series on finding our strengths for hte purpose of serving the church. Yesterday, i shared with someone the strengths results from the studay, and someone said, that is what you do. it is amazing to think that God has created each of us with a unique gifting etc. to use in service to God, in the end only drawing us closer to God.

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